Chapter 26: Advancing

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Seeing the looks thrown aback the room, Ezra rolled his crystal eyes and slouched into the couch he was currently preached on, ignoring the movements of Chopper at his feet. Listening back in, he let a small, soft smirk fall on his face as he made easy conversation, reminiscing in the memories the rough voice brought back.

The very same muffled voice and the show of Ezra's movements to was all the others had to determine if the conversation was going good or if they had to intervene.
A warm smile came to his young face as he said, "You want me to come again? No one else? It's been the same for what, the past two years?"
The muffle sounded again as he nodded along with a chuckle and responded to apparently a question, "Yeah, I'll come if you want me that badly. Same as last year?"
Bail and Hans had a clue what was going on as they had gone before but the Jarrus family were in the dark without a flashlight.
Ezra nodded once again, "Ok see you then. Oh, and I might bring some guest. K, bye."
Putting the phone back on the holder, he sighed and leaned back to spring the mechanism in the couch for reclining, making sure to move Chopper out of the way before doing so. Stretching, he looked at the less confused pair, "You'd think everyone would get tired of me performing but apparently, I now have plans for next Saturday."
They chuckled at his mark while Hera gathered her courage, "What do you mean?"
He lifted his head in surprise before a look of realization hit him, a 'o' made up his mouth and dropping of his head back to the cushion before responding lightly, "Remember the center where I learned to walk and everything? Well, Rex runs a charity day every year with lots of fun activities that everyone can do. There's food, games, and entertainment which has been me for the last two years singing and stuff. I know most of the kids to which is an added bonus and many people come to support their kids and to donate which leads to many kids getting new or their first prosthetics which is really monumental. So it's a really big day for them."

The family had fond looks on their faces and understood the importance of the day. A quizzical look passed Sabine's face, "When was the last time you had a new prosthetic, Ez?"
Two glances were thrown her way for the nickname before the answer drew their attention. "Well, you need new prosthetics when you either grow out of them or they are not useable do to dirt, rust or an incident, I haven't changed mine in... three? Three years. My past foster homes weren't much of a 'sharing is caring' kind so grow-spurt hasn't occurred and I usually wash mine after being outside."

A whine came from the floor with a drop of the ears and Ezra sincerely answered with, "Your dead animals were appreciated but not edible, Chop." A huff was followed and Ezra sighed before getting up, "Well you have the summer to figure out what to do before they attack or do something. I'll leave my swords out and train in case. I recommend the same to you, Kanan. Ok, with that said and done, I'm going to bed. It's 9:30 and it's been a busy day. Chopper, you sleeping with me or outside?"

A huff was sounded with the movement of the large wolf standing from the carpeted wood flooring.

The decided pair walk out of the room and the sound of claws on wood and the patter of footfalls were heard heading up the stairs and away from the living room. "Well, this has been an evening. Is there anything else we should speak about before ending it here?" Hera asked, trying the wrap up the evening and get to bed.
Shakes of heads were seen before Han said, "No but you should try and come to the fundraiser though Ezra might invite you. It'll be fun and you get to see Ezra in action."
Nods were passed and pleasantries tosses between parties before the front door was closed. Sighs of exhaustion filling the still air.

The snuggled pair were in bed with the moon lighting the room. Ezra was curled under the sheets without his add on as the object in question was leaning against the wall next to the warm bed. Chopper was spread out on top with his coat keeping him warm and his gaze was focused out into the woods with the moon watching over. The creature huffed a growl and an arm wrapped around his waist.

Over the next two weeks, Ezra was found around the house on his computer and of course cooking. Not much else was done with his time and when questioned, the answer was always, "Just looking."
When the day was nearing, the sound of his guitar could be heard in his room playing a few melodies and what not. When questioned, the answer was always, "Just practicing."
He was seen with earphones and his computer many times as well and of course when questioned, the answer was always, "Just playing."

Once the day arrived, everyone woke up with smiles on their waiting faces and immediately began to dress as their anticipation had been growing with Ezra's vague answers.
As everyone was eating and waiting for the teen to enter, Chopper came trotting in and sat in Ezra's seat as if impersonating him. Chuckles were passed around the dining table until a childish whine was heard from the archway.
"That's my seat, Chop."

Ezra was decked out in cargo shorts, clearing showing his prosthetic, and a light washed out red. His growing hair was pulled back into a high half pulled through bun. Placing his guitar against the wall, he walked up nonchalantly and shooed the orange wolf out of his seat and began to casually full his plate and eat his meal. Everyone following example, began to empty their plates and once everything was placed away and teeth were brushed, the family was ready to get a move on this fundraiser.

Hello my peeps! I am currently on vacation in Peru with my family and thought I should give you a update as I left you hanging for so long! I have now passed eighth grade and am high school bound. So I have summer to give you a couple updates! Well that's all I have to report and please comment with suggestions and what not. Bye bye!!😊😊


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