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Part 10.........
.... In EVENING (INDIA )..............................
...............,...........Sanskar comes out from his private plane. His employees r waiting for him.He comes downstair in full attitude. He is wearing black jacket with white shirt and blue jeans. He is looking really hot in that attire.. He goes towards the employees. One of his company CEO says to him"sir xanford engineering college bought by maheswris...................... Sanskar thinks something and replie to him " perfect mr khan". He comes out from airport and sites in his mercedes and he moves to his destination....
.................................................. Gadodiya mansion......................................... Swara is studying but she can't her concentration on studies. All the memory of her molestation is coming infront of her eyes. Swara holds her hair in both of her hands and start talking to herself "no.swara no. U can't become weak. If u will become weak. How will u fullfil ur parents wish. Please be strong. U r strong daughter of ur papa. U can't become weak. "....................... Her talks gets distrub by the phone call on her mobile. She takes her mobile. She thinks in her mind " why phone is coming from college in this time?......... She lifts the call..................... Swara : hello... College deen: Miss bos U r selected for the student of the year from our college and chief minister of delhi is going to give u sclorship.there r some formalities to fulfill . Please come to college to fulfill the formalities. We r waiting........
........................ Swara : ok sir i m coming.........
.................... She cuts the call and leaves for the college.............................................................. IN COLLEGE.....................................................‐Swara enters to the college. Peon of the college asked her " U r swara bose".............. Swara simply nodes in yes.......................... Peon: beta go towards the audiotorium.sir is waiting there for u..............
................ She leaves and comes towards the audiotorium.. It is full dark........ Swara : why the lights r switch off here...... Suddenly a spot light lights on her.she become shocked than rose petals start shawering on her...........................
................ Swara : what the hell is happening here?... Suddenly audiotorium lights switch on.she become numb for a second to seeing the person infront of her.she start sweating. She starts murmuring to herself "no swara don't forget what promise u make with urself".................... She makes herself strong.......................... Swara angerly shouted at the person " what the hell mr mahesweri.What u want now? CAN'T ur lust get satisfied by one night stand. "...................... Sanskar calmly goes toward her and saya"i know swara i did wrong with u. But the things which i was thinking as lust that thing is not lust. That is love swara. I fell in love with u after seeing u in one sight. I m sorry swara I did wrong with u.".................................... Swara crosses her arms and put it on her chest......... Swara :really u love me oh! Great. How a womanizer can be fell in love with a girl. Who can't satisfied with sleeping with one girl........................... Sanskar : I know swara i m a lusty person. I was been in many relationship and also being in a relationship. I betray them' but after ur arrival in my life i m totally change. I want to committed in a single relationship. I want to live my life with u. I m not gonna betray u ever because i love u. I love u swara. I really do.......................... Swara : really but i don't love u. How can a girl love the person who rapes her. Why i m arguing with u. I know the sclorship.and all is ur trap to make myself come here.but mr mahesweri.if u tries again to rape me. I will show u. true shades of swara bose............................................... Sanskar smirks and says " ok show me urs true colors. I m dieing to see it.................... Swara : so u r not going to listen me right. Fine. I m going to police station to file a F.I.R against u....................... Swara starts to moving ahead.................. Sanskar smiles and says to her " oh! Really move ahead jaan. Wait i will take u there by myself. "........................ Swara : No need i can go there by myself......................... Sanskar : but i m not going to leave u at this timing or in other time from now ur whole life times belongs to me..................... Sanskar starts dragging her to parking area and swara is trying to free herself by his strong grip in whole path. She is beating in his hand. And shouting on him in anger " leave me u bloody dog... "..............
.......... Sanskar comes near his car. He makes forcefully swara to sit in his car and order his driver to take car towards the police station after sometime they reach there . Sanskar comes out from the car and he opens the door of swara side...... Sanskar. Shows his hand towards the police. Station and says to her " go jaan. U have only 2 minutes. I m waiting for u here. Go n fulfill ur wish. "................ Swara comes out. from. The car.and moves towards the police station. She comes inside................. Police inspector : yes mam how may i help u........................... Swara takes na deep breath and says " i come here to file a F.I.R against my rapest............... Police Inspector : don't worry beta . Just. Sits in the chair first............... Swara sits. In the chair..........
..... Police Inspector : who is the guilty.........
................ Swara : Mr sanskar mahesweri.............. Police inspector sees her face in shocked and after a second he starts laughing........ Police Inspector : wow nice joke mahesweri can rape a girl. He has already a bollywood diva as his girlfriend whole asian globe girls r back of him.he doesn't need to rape a girl. Please don't waste my time just leave from here.i don't trust u.and if i trust u. I m not going to file F.I.R against him. He has.good contacts with politician. I doesn't want to loose my job.please leave from here.............. Swara : but sir....................... Police Inspector : please leave now.......... Swara leaves disappointly from there. She comes sadly outside. Sanskar comes near with a.smirk on his face........... Sanskar taunts her" when they r coming to arrest me"................................ SWARA gives him a death glare and starts moving ahead. But sanskar hold her wrist...................... Sanskar : swara u have done what u want now it's my turn...........
............. Swara : what do u mean?..................... Sanskar : i want to marry u...................... Swara : but i m not interested to marry u..................... Sanskar : girls die for me here i m going to give u whole myself and u r rejecting it.i.will. Give u all luxurious of life................... Swara while trying to free herself from him says while struggling to him" i m not interested to have a luxurious life from u. I will own it by my own hardwork.and go that girls u die on u. I m not that type of girls ok. Leave me now "................. Sanskar angirly hold her hand more tightly............. Sanskar : who the hell asking ur opinion. I m just telling u my opinion. U r mine. We r going to america right now. And we will do our marriage in our american mansion.................. Swara : if u really love me than leave me.............
...... Sanskar : no swara sanskar mahesweri loves himself and u r sanskar mahesweri all in all u r mine. Just fit this on ur brain........................... Sanskar makes forcefully swara to sit in the car and than in plane...........................
................................. Precap: swara sanskar romance in plane and sanskar forcefully marry swara........
.. Hey guys i doesn't want to write because my busy schedule but only because ur responce drags me to write . So please comment on today episode that u like it or not
# shubhangi_singh

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