Swara realizes her love

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HEY GUYS DEVIL IS BACK. TIME FOR THE LOVE STORY OF DEVIL WITH HIS ANGEL.... THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGEL PART 15........... Swara is crying outside the i.c.u seeing sanskaar from outside from i.c.u window. She is thinking about his care for her, his stubbornness on doing Romance with her without her permission, his wild passionate romantic nights, buy lot of things so she will fell that she is only his only one lady love now and a shot by bullets to safe her.That man safe her who is selfish who is not saving other people because he doesn't want to put his life in danger. That selfish person put his life in danger to safe her.That is true love when someone thinks that his or her love life is more important than his or her life. Swara thoughts is break by atul Voice.................... Atul : mam how is sir now....................... Swara starts remembering atul and she get to know that she has seen him in sanskaar private Plane when they both came America................. Swara : u r Atul right..........
....... Atul: ya sir i m Atul sanskaar sir P.A.how is sir now?........... Swara ( in weeping tone ): Don't know. Gun man had shot many bullets to him( she starts to see sanskaar lovingly by i.c.u window and starts praying god )............. Atul : Don't worry mam sir will get alright....... Swara Sadly nods in yes and starts seeing again him lovingly.. After something Doctor comes outside from i.c.u......... Doctor : he is out of danger . God has shown such a mercy on mr mahesweri that those bullet doesn't shot on his heart otherwise he have lost him.......... Swara become shocked by listening this............ Atul. : when will sir gain his conscious and please Doctor Don't drag sir condition out from hospital it will effect sir business................ Doctor : ya Don't worry mr it will be the secret. And that is really highly metallic bullets so it will take 2 days to gain conscious because we have given him ansthesia for Recovery............... Atul: ok thanks Doctor......... Doctor leaves from there........... Atul : mam please eat something . I think u have doesn't eat something from a long time................ Swara : i doesn't want to eat anything.......... Atul : but mam atleast eat something for sir. He will not happy that u become unhealthy in these two days. Just for sir eat something........................ Swara starts thinking that how sanskaar makes fake beating warning to servant to make her eat food . She smiles to think it.................. Swara : ok i will eat( seeing again sanskaar )Just only for my devil...................... Atul brings food for Swara and she eats it.In these 2days Swara doesn't leave from hospital . She just go to mansion to take bath............. Sanskaar is moved to high class hospital room........... In midnight Sanskaar conscious. He sees himself in the hospital . Suddenly he thinks about Swara. He becomes panic.he get up from bed and sit on it. He is going to remove his tubes for giving glucose but suddenly he sees Swara is lying on couch of the room. He feels so much happiness to see her.................... Sanskaar (with teary eyes ): Swara u r alright . Thank God. U r alright........
......... Suddenly Swara eyes open and she is shock to see Sanskaar gain conscious . She is so much happy. She get up from couch and runs towards him.she hugs him tightly and he hugs him back..................... Swara ( with teary tone ): i m sorry Sanskaar . It Just because of me u suffer so much. I m sorry. I will never disobey u. I promise.............. Saying this she puts her nose on his nose. They r too much close to each other during talking................... Sanskaar : no Jaan It's ok. I m happy that u r alright. And that is good that by this never incidence . U r not going to disobey me.............. He tease her.she laughs... Sanskaar touch her face sensualy by his one hand. They start breathing heavily. Their lips is touching slowly to eachother.swara cannot. Control herself. She wants to show her passion for him.she kisses him passionately by making him lye on the bed. During kiss swara opens his two buttons of hospital clothe and starts caring his chest sensualy. Sanskaar put his hand under her top on her waist he is rubbing her back sensualy. They kissing each other with so much love They leave each other when they r out of breath. They r breathing heavily. They r staring each other with lust. Sanskaar sees his clothe which two buttons r opened by swara............. Sanskaar starts caring her face sensualy . Swara lye beside him ( guys bed is large because it is high class hospital room )...... Sanskaar (in husky tone): Jaan u responds to my kiss. I want more. From this.now..................... He starts kissing her neck. Swara starts breathing heavily....................... Swara ( breathing heavily ): Sanskaar we will do all this Romance at home.Don't become to much wild otherwise ur glucose tubes will break......... She gets up from bed...Swara kisses his forehead lovingly............. Swara : now sleep. U have to take rest. Now be a good boy and sleep. I love u my baby so much........... Saying this she gives a peck on his lips............ Sanskaar becomes happy after listening the confession..........Sanskaar : u really loves me jaan........ .. Swara ( in teasing way): no i love the doctor who is seeing u.. I have kissed him.in place of urs. Right.. Sanskaar ofcourse i love u.u have proved that ur love is pure for me. Acha now sleep like a good boy........... Sanskaar obeying Swara sleeps................................... After 2DAYS Sans last mansion ( IN SANSKAR MANSION)............................................ Swara : SANSKAR leave na i m tried.......... But SANSKAR doesn't listen to her. He is busy in kissing her bossoms......... Swara is breathing heavily And moaning.............. Swara (breathing heavily ): SANSKAR atleast give me some time to breath . Stop for sometime. I m really tried now. WE have returned 5:00pm in evening from hospital to our home and just after this we r only having s**x with each other. It is 9:00pm SANSKAR atleast now leave for sometime....... SANSKAR stops kissing her bossoms.he is also breathing heavily.he lay down beside her and takes her in embrace........... SANSKAR :just for five minutes i m leaving u. OK Jaan after that we again starts our s**x ok........ Swara : ok.just give me sometime i m coming from washroom....... He leaves b her after 5 minutes they again starts Their work SANSKAR starts kissing her lips hungrily.swara is playing with his hair by his fingers during kiss and SANSKAR is pulling her more closer by waist. They leave each other when they r out of breath. SANSKAR starts kissing her neck . He is going deeply in her neck. While swara is rubbing his back sensualy and moaning. SANSKAR kisses other side of neck in the same way. He stops after sometime. He sees her again lustly.......................... SANSKAR ( breathing heavily ): oh god jaan having s**x with ur moans is making me crazy . I can't making myself stop.Don't sleep until i get satisfied..... ............... Saying this he again start kissing her lips. After kissing her lips SANSKAR enters into her.swara clutch bed sheet in pleasure.... She is moaning so much loudly........... Listening her moans SANSKAR asked her" do u enjoying It jaan so much? ....... Swara playfully hit his back and replied " what kind of question is this SANSKAR . Yes i m enjoying it. It is so much good.... I love the way u love me.do what u want with me"................... SANSKAR : Jaan if u doesn't give me th permission i will do what i want with u so jaan i doesn't need ur permission for having s**x with u get it....... Swara : ok boss........ SANSKAR kisses her waist whole stomach. He kisses her both thighs.... He stops in 1:00 am at night........ Swara is lying on top of SANSKAR. SANSKAR has rubbing her back sensualy........... Swara playing with her fingers in his chest. SAys to him............
....... Swara : SANSKAR u doesn't get tried having Romance with me.we have come back home at evening 5:00and u leave me at midnight 1:00. Oh god how will i tolerate ur romantic side whole life.............. SANSKAR kisses her forehead smiling after listening her......... SANSKAR : now u have to tolerate my romantic side whole life. U have no opinion without it.................. Swara : ya ya i know what can i do now hmmm.............. She clutch SANSKAR nose playfully and than leaves it.... SANSKAR smiles............... SANSKAR : acha Jaan u sleep i have important project to complete. Ok............. Swara : ok but sleep soon. Good Night......... She kisses his cheek and lay down on her side covering her naked body with Blanket........... At 2:00 am SANSKAR phone starts beeping. He takes it. He is shocked to see the i.d. He stop working. He sees Swara who is sleeping. He immediately get up from the bed.he goes towards the balcony. And takes the phone..... SANSKAR : Hello............... Person : Hello baby where u all the time. Doesn't get time to call ur girlfriend............... SANSKAR : shivanya i want to tell u something............... Shivanya: not now baby my scene has come i m going we will talk after sometime. Bye love u........... She cuts the call.......... SANSKAR sees Swara from glass window who is sleeping peacefully... He get afraid to think about shivanya.......... SANSKAR went near the end of balcony side and starts thinking during seeing towards the sky........Sanskar in his mind: I know I m a Playboy in my paspleasuresn't want to be in a relationship . I just want to be have pleasure of their body.I and shivanya have been in relationship from pat 4 years it suit my image because she is successful actress in Bollywood and her body gives me pleasure.but I doesn't want to fall in love but I fall in love with swara. I love her. I can't betray her.I doesn't want that my past girlfriend create mess between me and swara......................sanskar is lost in his herswara aput her hand in sanskar side .she doesn't find him.she get up and starts searching him after wearing sanskar shirt.she finds him standing in balcony. she comes near him and back hugs him. sanskar gets back into senses................swara: what happened sanskar .what r u thinking? ...........sanskar kisses her hand and make herself to face him .he puts his both hand around waist.swara wraps her hand around his neck .........................sanskar: nothing jaan .just seeing the sky before sleeping................... swara: OK come let sleep............... They goes inside their room and sleeps in each other embrace................. preacap: swara is going back to India...............so guys how u like today's episode

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