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THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGEL PART 14............. NEWYORK PIXCAR CINEMA HALL................... Sanskaar and swara enter in the mall. Sanskaar is putting his hand around her waist. Swara is feeling discomfort but she doesn't want to create a mess in public place. So she doesn't protest in his act. Cinema hall manger Edward parkar comes to greet Sanskaar specially.............................. Edward parkar : sir It's great pleasure to have u in our cinema hall............................... Sanskaar ( with a professional smile ): thanks mr............... Edward: Edward sir my name is Edward.........
............ Sanskaar :, ya mr Edward . Is every arrangements has been done........ ................. Edward : yes sir alll arrangements had been done come sir This way..................... Edward takes swasan to the cinema hall.they both enter in it and sit down. It is empty cinema hall. Only our swasan is sitting there............. Swara sees all around the cinema hall. ...... They sit in a big couch which is specially adjusted for them...........
........ Swara: why whole cinema hall is empty..................... Sanskaar ::Because i doesn't want any kind of disturbance between me n u.and Jaan i m big business man so i cannot watch movie with whole croud it. Is harmful for me................. .... Swara doesn't say anything ... After a while in film a romantic kissing scene get started . Swara see Sanskaar in scary way she well know what he is going to do............ Sanskaar sees her with lust......... Sanskaar : Jaan lets we also began this............ Swara: what .... What rubbish is this.can't u think beyond it. Hmmm........................... Sanskaar : no......... He pulls her closer to him and starts kissing her. Swara is shocked that he doesn't give her time to resist his act. He is kissing her like a hungry man who is starving for his food. He holds her thighs and put it on his leg. He is rubbing her thighs during the kiss. He leaves her when he is out of breath.................. Sanskaar : oh god it is so awesome man ............. He sees her again with desire...... Swara is in utter shock . When he is seeing her again with same desire she comes back to the reality. She adjust her frock one's again and see him angrily................ Swara: u bastard.......... Saying this she started hitting him by his hands........ Sanskaar starts laughing on her act................ Sanskaar ( smiling ): Jaan Please stop it. Please . Jaan................... He holds her both hand and pulls her closer to him a sweet eyelock happens between them........... Suddenly movie Action scene Voice come so louder and swara pushes Sanskaar and sits on her place. Suddenly Guns firing sequence coming in the movie. It's sequence the end but gun firing voices doesn't stop.( Guys America has problem of gun firing in public Places my nonsense native who kills innocent People in rage or in there craziness many of u people has read it in newspaper or seen in news channel ).. Both swasan gets shocked by hearing people screaming and gun firing voices. Swara holds Sanskaar hands tightly in fear.......... Sanskaar holds her hand ............. Sanskaar : Jaan Don't worry i m with u. Ok i m not let anything happens to u.......................... Swara nods innocently. Sanskaar kisses her forehead lovingly .............. Sanskaar : just be with me jaan and don't make noise ok.............. Swara ( innocently ): ok be careful................... Sanskaar opens the cinema hall door he sees number of dead bodies................. Sanskaar in his mind : oh god what the ***. Seems like a crazy person has attacked in the mall. Oh god .................... He sees here and there he doesn't finds the gun man............... He takes Swara out with him........... Sanskaar takes her in embrace. They again listen the gun firing Voice and people scream... Swara become scared to listen this + seeing the dead bodies............... They r passing from a way where they find a Old man who is badly injured by the bullets. He asks swasan for the help............... Old man : help me children.......... Swara is going to help the Old man but Sanskaar holds her tightly................ Sanskaar : no jaan let it be............... Swara ( shockingly ): Sanskaar what r u saying. He needs our help...................... Sanskaar doesn't leave her and drags her with him from there.............. Swara ( furiously ): How heartless u r sanskaar.u r such Devil and a selfish person............ Sanskaar : ya i m Devil person. I doesn't care of anyone . What to do i m like this................. Swara : leave me i doesn't want to be with u............. Sanskaar holds her more tightly....... Sanskaar ( angirly): just shut up Jaan this is not time for ur silly stubbornness............ Sanskaar stops in a place he see shoter who is standing near the mall exit . He has big guns with him to kill People.................. Sanskaar ( talking to himself ): What the hell what to do now. He is standing near the exit. We should hide somewhere.................... He takes her with him seeing all the corner of the mall to reach a safe place........................... Sanskaar : Swara don't worry Nothing will happen to u........................... He turns and to see Swara but he is shocked . She is not Swara she is other teenage girl whom hand he is holding................. Sanskaar ( furiously shouts on the girl ): What the hell u r doing here................... Girl ( scary tone ):, Please help me....................... Sanskaar pushes her and she fall in the floor.................. Sanskaar : just stup up go find help in other place . I m not saviour who is standing to safe u.................... He runs from there to search Swara............. ...... Sanskaar in his mind : where she has gone now . Oh god please safe my Jaan. What kind of foolishness i have done to take her out today. Please god safe her she is my life........................ Swara is running here there to find a safe place to hide herself........
......... Gun man sees her.gun man is facing back side of her thats why she doesn't see the gun man.the gun man is going to shoot her. Swara turns and see the gun man. He fires the bullet Swara close her eyes in fear thinking about that this is end of her life. But Sanskaar comes between it he starts fighting with the shoote r to safe his life to safe his Swara. Swara starts seeing this. During fight shooter shoots 7 to 8 bullets on Sanskaar chest ............... Swara scream : Sanskaar.......................... At the same time Police comes for rescue . They shoots the gun man. And he died . Swara runs and takes Sanskaar in her lap......... Swara ( cryingly): Sanskaar Please open ur eyes Sanskaar.. Sanskaar Please open ur eyes na..................... She starts rubbing his hand by her hands . Because of bullets he is doesn't responding anything. Police comes there and takes Sanskaar with themthe to hospital with other injured People....... They comes to the hospital. During i.c.u Journey Swara is holding Sanskaar hand.nurse stops her........... Nurse : mam this is i.c.u we can't let u come in........... Swara silently stands there. She is weeping loudly and seeing Sanskaar lovingly from i.c.u window ................ Swara in his mind : i know he doesn't care for anyone . But care for me. He is in i.c.u Because of me. Does he loves me so much that he doesn't care about him.he takes bullets in his chest to safe me.i know he has molested me. But that is past. The man Sanskaar mahesweri who is in past is back of all women body for pleasure. But the man who is lying infront of me. Deeply loves me that kind selfish person is Sanskaar who doesn't care to safe anyone. He safes me. He doesn't think to sacrifice his life for me. That is love swara. He really loves me. I m sorry Sanskaar Please come back.i will accept u. I will forget each bad memories of our past . We will make a new Future with each other . Please come back. I promise i will never hurt u..................... She crys outside from i.c.u seeing Sanskaar......................
........ Precap: swara starts loving Sanskaar

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