Swara commits suicide

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Hey Guys I m back with another part of my ff The Devil and His Angel. On my previous post people have given me so low response. I m really disheartened. Guys just tell me if u r not liking my ff. So i will stop it.From previous post i m really disheartened. So if i will get less response in this update also so forget about my ff....................... THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGEL PART.21........
.................. SWASAN ROOM............................... In morning swara gets up and finds herself fully naked on top of sanskar. She smiles seeing her Devil............... Swara ( while covering herself from Blanket ):oh god sanskar what u have done with me .i have become crazy for u.ur touch make me senseless. I just want more n more during our intimacy. U have totally change me mr mahesweri. ( pecks his lips ) good morning darling. I Love u my mr mahesweri................... Sanskar (while closing his eyes and tightening his grip on Swara ) : i Love u too my mrs mahesweri.................. Swara :Sanskar u have listened everything............... Sanskar:hmm everything................ Swara : Acha Sanskar leave me i want to get ready for college. Ok Please leave me.............. Sanskar opens his eyes and says "ok jaan lets have bath together. What says "............ Swara (huskily tone ):i think it is awesome baby ".................. Sanskar :shall we............... Swara :ok as u say my husband........
..... They both get up from bed while seeing each other with desire fill eyes. Sanskar puts his lips on her they both starts kissing each other. They get into bathroom during kissing each other passionately
. They enters into glass wall sawor and starts getting cozy with each other. After sometime They come out from bathroom covering themselves from bathrob.............. Sanskar gives a dress to Swara........... Sanskar :jaan wear this it will suite my girl............... Swara smiles and kisses both his cheeks tightly.....
............... Swara :Thank u baby and takes this suit.u will look so good in ur presentation............ Sanskar "ok"he takes the suit and both SWASAN get ready. After having breakfast they both leave on their car............. Swara is laying on Sanskar lap and studing her book and Sanskar is checking the presentation on his tablet.. After sometime Swara college arrive............... Charan(Driver ):mam ur college has come............... Swara get up from Sanskar lap and hugs him tightly............. Swara :ok baby i m leaving take care and please eat food on time. I will call u. Love u.............. Sanskar :ya jaan take care of urself charan will come to pick u up ok dont worry darling. Have a nice day.................. Swara :u too my baby.................. They slightly kisses each other and after that she leaves for college and Sanskar moves towards the mahesweri company....................... XANFORD ENGINEERING COLLEGE
.kavya :champ here............ Swara:hey kavya whats up.......... Kavya :fine u idiot.............. Swara(proudly says ):oh hello not idiot. I m topper Don't forget it kamini.............. Kavya :ya ya miss topper. But Don't talk with me can't u tell me that u and mr mahesweri r in relationship............. Swara:ya Kavya i want to tell u and all about me and Sanskar relation. But Wait a minute where is ragini................. Kavya (see all around ):may be she is coming now lets move to class swara i Have doubt on Motor engine exercise 11b please help me yaar............ Swara :ok now move............ They moves towards the class. When They enter to the class a nude Picture of a girl is made in white Board. Swara and Kavya become shocked to see the pic. Near pic is written me sexy Swara bose is waiting For u guys. Pay a good amount and have fun with me................. Swara starts weeping to see the pic. Swara runs towards the parking area Kavya follows her............ Kavya (scream in worriedness):champ Wait dear. Champ listen............ Sunny his gang Block Swara and starts moving around her................. Sunny :ohh madam can't come with me on a date. But can spend many nights with mr mahesweri.oh so pious soul what say guys.............. Prashant (Sunny friend ):ya ya Swara baby just tell me correct price i can Pay any cost to spend a night with u darling.................. Abishek:i can also baby please just one chance give me also................ At the same time randhir comes college with ragini........... Randhir :i just want to talk with my little champ right now ragini............ Ragini :hmm ok Wait here i will come back soon............. Randhir :ok............ They both see huge crowd infront of them....... Randhir and ragini moves their they see the boys r teasing Swara. Randhir blood boils to see this he goes there and starts beating them. Ragini and Kavya moves towards Swara. Swara hugs tightly Ragini............. Ragini (, crys Silently seeing her condition ): shh champ see Nothing will happen with u we r here na.chalo lets go to our house ok..kavya what happens here......... Kavya tells everything randhir in anger leaves from there to confront sanskar For accusing him for the state of his champ........... Kavya :Ragini come we will go in my car ok.......... They all leaves towards gadodiya mansion........
.................................. MAHESWERI COMPANY................... RANDHIR to receptionist...
............ RANDHIR :i want to meet mr MAHESWERI right now.................. RECEPTIONIST :ok sir u have appoint to meet sir no.............. RANDHIR (, furiously ): no. I just want to meet him now.............. At the same time atul see RANDHIR..and go there .............. Atul : can i help u mr shekhwat............... RANDHIR :ya sure... Wait a minute how u know me............. Atul : mr shekhwat u doesn't know me But i know u once u have done heart surgery of my son............ RANDHIR :oh i doesn't know anything. There alots of cases i handle in many days i doesn't Remember any case individual............... Atul :why u come here mr shekhwat anything special........
..... RANDHIR :ya i just want to talk with mr MAHESWERI............... Atul well knows RANDHIR is very near to swara .............. Atul : ya mr shekhwat come with me Meeting is just over now u r lucky............... Atul takes RANDHIR to board Meeting hall where sanskar is checking the presentation alone from holographics video..........
...... RANDHIR storms enter in the hall with full rage and hold sanskar collar who is sitting on the chair........... RANDHIR (shouting in anger ): how dare u bastard to play with my little champ innocence. Just because of u she is suffering so much............. Sanskar become furious from RANDHIR behavior he gets up from the chair and slaps hard to RANDHIR............. Sanskar :how dare u idiot to hold my collar. I will cuts ur hands for this........... RANDHIR become more furious after getting a slap and he again holds Sanskar collar............. RANDHIR (furiously ):oh Keep ur bloody mouth Shut. I m not afraid of u. just because of u my champ is crying......................Sa
nskar knows about RANDHIR (and guys u all know Sanskar blackmail swara on basis of RANDHIR and ..ragini... )..............Sanskar:what happens to jaan .just tell me why she is crying....... .. ......Randhir:don't show ur fake concern towards her..............Sanskar :just tell me dammit. She is my life. She is my wife................ RANDHIR (shockingly ):wife................ Sanskar :yes wife just tell me right now............. RANDHIR tells every incidence to Sanskar...... Sanskar become furious after listening this......... Sanskar:where is she?
........ RANDHIR :, she is in gadodiya mansion........
..... Sanskar leaves from there towards gadodiya mansion............All gadodiya mansion people r consoling swara. But she is still crying. Suddenly her phone starts Ringing. Ragini takes the call......... Caller:Hello darling swara. I m good buyer speaking. Just one night dear. I will pay 10 lakh for this.......... Ragini(screams):shut up u idiot..Don't call in this ever again...... .... Caller :aree madam u become angry. ok 20 lakh whats say... Please Just one night baby......... Aryan snatch phone from ragini and accused the person
Listening these things swara crys more. She runs from the room. All of them follows her.swara takes Knife from dinning Table..... All become shocked and Sacred for swara............ Janki: swara beta listen everything will be all right please throw that Knife............. Aryan :ya swara everything will be alright i m with u ( all members sees him shockingly so Aryan change his statement )l mean we all r with u................ Ragini(while crying ):please champ throw this............. Swara:no ragini everything gone finish. People r bad mouthing about me. If they bad mouth about my sister and my Mummy. I can't bear it. it is good to die ragini. I doesn't want to make my family ashamed.................. Ragini :no swara listen to me............ Swara cuts her wrist and blood starts coming out from her hands seeing all this all shouts Swara name and runs towards her.same time sanskaar reaches gadodiya mansion. Hearing Swara name so loudly he runs towards house and enters into it. He become shocked to see her jaan like this state......... Sanskaar shouts "Swara "........ HE RUNS towards her..... Swara faintly smiles to see him...... Sanskaar takes Swara in his arms....... Swara :i love u Sanskaar please move on ur life after my death.............. Sanskaar (while crying ):shut up jaan Nothing going to happen with u............. Saying this he moves outside. Randhir become shocked to see Swara like this............. Randhir :mr,mahesweri u please take Swara back side of the car.i will drive ok.Just do it soon............. Sanskaar takes Swara with him on back side of the car............. Swara closes her eyes.......... Sanskaar :please Swara Don't Loose hope i m with u jaan. I will die without u.i can't live without u how dare u to take step to finish ur life cho U have no rights on ur life jaan .no right.............. They soon enters in the hospital. Swara is admitted on ICU .........
....all members r crying for swara..after sometimes doctor come out from the ICU............. All goes towards her .............doctor: thank god that girl doesn't cut the right side of wrist otherwise we will lost her.............
Sanskar:how is she?........... Doctor: she is fine.u can meet her...... . Sanskar goes inside the room. Swara is still crying. Sanskar sits on the bed.seeing sanskar swara immediately hugs him tightly he also back hug her
...............swara(while crying):I m sorry sanskar I just become scared. Please don't hate me.. Sanskar I only loves u .I don't love ur money..........
sanskar:shh my bacha why u r clarrifiying me .I know it jaan infact I marry u forcefully. U doesn't want to marry me.so don't give clarification to me .OK.........swara:hmm ............raginiand all enter in the room..............sanskar says to randhir on door " just take care of her . I m just coming"........
.....Randhir:OK fine but come soon she needs u.... ..........sanskar comes out .atul is waiting outside for him..............sanskar:where r they?...... .............
Screen shift to sanskar farm House
All those boys those r involved in swara molestation r dancing cryingly on ( shella ki jawani song) .they have done make up and they wearing women accessories. With one piece..........
Sanskar enters there with atul ...........,
Sanskar ( smirks) : how does this behavior feels u guys. Dance is superb .u know what if any one see this superb dance on internet. How much they enjoy this. What say...............
Boys( while crying) :no sir don't do this........ ...
Sanskar( furiously) : so tell me who had done this drama with my wife. Just give me correct answer. Otherwise if I find it from my source anything lie .it will not good for all of u.............Boys doesn't want to lie so they say truth........... Sunny: sir we doesn't it intinially.shivanya mam has given us money to defame swara........... ...sanskar become shocked to listen shivanya name ....................
So completed one more part so if I get also low response in this part I will not update next part so choice is ur guys. ya one more thing I will update my ff from now on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday OK guys. depends on ur comments if u want ff .I doesn't want to update but I updated this part for those fan u always comment on my post

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