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Hey I am Back guys sorry to being late but what to do my phone network is not working so that's why I am too late .OK guys I know u miss my ff. so hope u will like today's episode. Here we go with the next part.............,...........................
..............................The Devil And His Angel part 11............................,.........,..................................
.Sans kar takes swara to his private plane.The plane is totally beautiful. A big couch is inside with a blasma t.v .There is a bar center in the corner of the plane.Air hostess comes there" sir plane is going to take off" ..............................
..Sanskaar: hmm good OK close the door while leaving and don't disturb us............................
....Air hostess: OK sir.........................she leaves from there on closing the plane room door. Sanskar sits on the couch and make swara to sit on his lap forcefully. Swara angrily starts herself to get up but he holds her more tightly . ...............
.....Sanskar angrily holds her and shouts on her "stop it swara".............................. But swara doesn't stop to free herself from his grip...........
...........Sanskar now angrily shouts more loudly "stop it swara right now"..... .............................N
ow swara stops and he smirks. Swara doesn't stop because of his voice.she stop because plane starts moving and swara is traveling first time in plane .just because of plane movement she become scared. Sanskar thinks that she stops by his voice he smiles and give peck on her lips.swara doesn't notice Sanskar movement because she is lost in her thoughts.Plane starts moving towards the sky.Swara hugs tightly Sanskar in scaredness.She holds him so much tightly .Sanskar smirks and back hugs her and start rubbing his hand on her back seductively....
................. Sanskar: wow that's like my girl. I love the way u hug me jaan..........................
........Sanskar lowers down her top both side shoulders now her shoulders r seeing naked he put her hair one side and start kissing her neck passionately..................... Swara becomes angry and shouts on him" what r u doing Mr mahesweri don't touch me.".......................Sanskar stops after listening her and replied to her" I m touching u right and what r u doing right now" ...............
......swara comes to know about her position that in fear she is hugging him tightly...Swara: woh sorry actually. I didn't sit in the plane in my entire life. it's my first time.so just in scaredness I hugged u............................................Sanskar pecks on her neck and says" no problem jaan. at least just in sacredness u hug me and I love to take u in my embrace. it is so good .u r making me more crazy for u"..........................Swara stares him angrily .........................Swara: don't take advantage of the situation................................ Sanskar start kissing on her lips passionately. she become shocked. she starts resisting by hitting him by her both hands but he doesn't stop.He leaves her when he is out od breath same as Swara ...............Swara‐shouts " what the...... before she could say further he starts to give butterfly kisses to her..........Sanskar stops after a while .Swara is totally blank..........Sanskar pecks on her forehead and slowly whisper s to her " I love u"...........Swara : ya really it is love or list which doesn't satisfied by one night stand..........
...............Sanskar smiles and gives peck on her lips " say whatever u wants to say I know u r angry on me.I doesn't need to prove my love to u " ................Sanskar makes Swara stand and than he holds her hand and start moving towards the plane window...............Sanskar : come jaan I will show u sky u r first time yravelie in the sky............
..........Swara is hell angry from Sanskar but she have curiosity to see the sky from plane. They reach near the window. They both start seeing outside .Sanskar back hugs Swara and put his chin on her shoulder...................Swara in her mind: oh god it is so high .oh my god it is so scary. baap re baap.........................( guys Swara is scared of heights) ..... ... ...................Swara turns immediately and hugs Sanskar tightly...... Sanskar smiles and back hugs her" what happened jaan ?".............Swara : actually I m scared of heights it is so high....................... Sanskar: don't worry jaan I m with u na................... Swara : hmm what !......................she realized her position and she pushed him.she goes near to the couch and lay down on it..................Swara : now I m going to sleep don't u dare to disturb me.waise I know that u r habitual to wake in nights with girls.I don't want to do more argument. so it is better to sleep now .I m a student + a topper my whole day schedule is fix......................she sleeps ............Sanskar in his mind : uff attitude and attitude oh ! my jaan ur only this avatar makes me so crazy for u.Sanskar never tolerate any one attitude except my jaan .sleep my jaan I know u r too much tried............................ He stares her lovingly. He pulls something from couch and make couch as a small bed.He lay down besides her .he take her in his embrace and starts careing her hair...............Sanskar in his mind: oh my god Swara. u r so beautiful and so cute. u r mixture of cuteness and beauty.my jaan is totally out of this world. u don't know Swara after our arriving in my life . I doesn't want to see any other girl. I m in so many realisonship but never been loyal in any but now I want to become loyal. I never love someone like this. I want to flirt with girls and I just want enjoy my life only like this.but after our arrival .I doesn't want to see anyone beyond u.See most unexpected thing happen with u Sanskar. U falls in love.................Sanskar slightly kisses her lips and than he sleeps holding her..,....................After some time plane lands in america ..Air hostess awakes Sanskar. she is going to awake Swara but he stops and signals her to leave from there.she leaves from there. Sanskar kisses her forehead.......... Sanskar holds her hand and says"good morning jaan. now u r going to become soon Mrs Sanskar mahesweri .I know u r just 18 too young for marriage. but I can't stay without u .u r all mine. I love u" ..............//////.suddenly Swara opens her eyes and see that Sanskar is holding her hand . she get up quickly.......... Swara angrily shouts " what the hell can't u leave me for a second...... .............Sa
nskar smiles and replied to her " now all ur minutes and seconds r mine because u r mine jaan"...........//Swara: no no my time is only mine only mine..................... she said that angrily while jumping as a kid.Sanskar smiles to see her act...................Sanskar : wow jaan day by day u r going to show me different shades of urs I m loving my teenager girl........................ Swara : just shut up and what is this jaan u r calling all the time. I feel disgusting to listen this.don't u dare to call me again this creepy word....... . ...........Sans
kar : jaan jaan jaan u r queen of business tycoon Sanskar mahesweri. now be habitual of listening it because I m going to call u lovingly by this daily.and what Sanskar mahesweri wants to do he doesn't need any permission. now let's move we have landed in new York.................. Sanskar words " we will do our marriage in our American mansion " starts echoing in Swara ears and she shouts " no I will not come with u.send me back to India from next weak my next semester practical is going to start. if I will get late that sunny Singh become topper than in lossing my topper position I will become helpless to go date with that flirt." ................listening other boy name Sanskar holds Swara tightly by her waist" no jaan I m not going to leave u. when my work completes here .we will go back to India together and after reaching there I will break that bastard bones .who dare to ask sanskar mahesweri lady love for date" .............Swara: ,no I will not go on date with him .OK happy.....////////////////.........Sanskar: good that's like my jaan. now let's move.......... ...Swara: no I m not going anywhere saying this she sit on couch rapping her both legs in Indian style ................. . Sanskar : so u r not going to listen me right......................... he takes her in his arms.Swara starts beating him hardly by her both hands.......... .........Swara: leave me u idiot. I said leave me......... Sanskar PA atul comes there.........Atul: sir all arrangements done in the airport no one can notice Swara mam in airport.................... Sanskar smirks "good atul.u may leave now.".................. he leaves from there...............Swara: what kind of arrangements u have done in airport . ............ ....Sanskar: Oh come on jaan I know u .after seeing the police and peoples u starts shouting for help so I make arrangements like this that no one can see u in the airport.......... Swara: what ........... Sanskar: yes don't be shock .now let's move.................he takes her out from airport in his arms and after sometime they reach to Sanskar mansion........
....................................................... precap: Sanskar forcefully marry Swara .........so guys this is next part please comments on today's episode .I only writes today's episode in my fever only for my readers.please comment.v

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