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Your P.O.V:

I walked through the hallway of my school, my (h/c) hair brushing against my shoulders. I got to my locker, entering the combination with efficiency. I opened it, then put my backpack on the bottom half while I put my lunch on the top half.

It was Meatball Monday, but if you had ever tried the meatballs'd be in bed for weeks throwing up.

I got out the books I would need for my morning classes, then headed to my first period: English.

As I walked by, I noticed that kids were whispering to each other quietly.

I managed to pick up bits and pieces as I walked by:




I shrugged, then walked into the classroom, walking to my desk and sitting down.

Eventually the tardy bell rang, and the school announcements came on over the intercom.

"Good morning students! Today we have a very important announcement to make, so listen carefully. We will be integrating our school!"

People started murmuring in my class, and I strained to hear the rest of what the principal was saying.

"We will be...hybrid Mobs! They are half...half Mob, so they are welcome here...are part Player. Have a great day!"

I shrugged again, then started working on the bellwork that was on the board.

The rest if the day went fairly smoothly, other than every room being 80°F.

I walked home, climbing up the stairs and into my room, throwing my bag on my bed.

I sighed as I sat down at my computer, going to start on my homework.

I heard a knock at my door, so I turned around as my mom came in.

"Hi, Mom."

"Hey sweetie...did you hear about what their doing in the schools?"

"You mean about the hybrid Mobs?"

"Yes...can you believe that they are trying to put Mobs in a Player school? It's going to be chaotic!"


"Because there will be Mobs in the school! They'll be trying to kill everyone...! Be careful tomorrow, okay? Don't get caught alone with one of those Mobs...okay?

"Fine," I said as I turned back towards my desk, trying to figure out how to solve for x.

-----THE NEXT DAY-----

I sighed as I walked into school, already seeing a couple of hybrids.

I went to my locker, the same as yesterday, and when I turned around, I heard someone laughing harshly.

"Ha! You? A Player? Gimme a break!" Steve, one of the school's most popular kids, was holding a tall boy by his collar against some lockers.

I saw the boy squirm a little, as he pushed Steve away,"I'm not looking for a fight. Just leave me alone."

His voice was in the middle range, and his hair was black with purple streaks. He was tall, around 5'11". His clothes hung loosely on him, and his hands looked nimble and tough. His skin was (skin/c), and his eyes were a bright amythest.

I looked at him for a moment, realizing that he was an Enderman hybrid. I also noticed that he didn't want to fight...

"Ha! You're weak! I thought all Mobs were supposed to learn to kill! Obviously you're too stupid to even tie you're shoes!" Steve shouted after the Enderman.

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