the Unkown?

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Your P.O.V:

I sighed as I walked into school, starting Thursday morning.

Ajax hadn't walked with me this time, but instead walked with the Enderman hybrid from yesterday.

Even though the Enderman hybrid was safe today, that didn't stop Steve from hurting another hybrid.

I narrowed my eyes when I saw Steve circling around the Zombie (maybe hybrid?) from the other day.

The Zombie growled, punching Steve in the gut before running off, past me.

While Steve was getting up, I decided to see where the Zombie was going. I followed him down the halls, wondering where he was headed.

The Zombie eventually stopped in an empty room, walking slowly into it.

I followed him, peaking around the door frame as he smacked onto the floor, face first. I saw him shaking slightly, and I felt bad for I walked up and started patting him on the back.

He jumped up and faced me, wiping tears off his face,"Why did you follow me!?"

I jumped back a bit, scared at how he sounded,"S-sorry! I was just wondering where you were going...a-and-"

"'s okay. Sorry I snapped at you... I-I just can't believe that I'm turning into my father..."

"What do you mean?"

The Zombie sat down in a chair beside him,"My dad is a Zombie, and my mom is a Player...although it doesn't look I'm half-Player... I just punched Steve...and that means that I'm starting to hate Players... So...I'm becoming my father...and I love him, but I don't wanna turn into him!"

" didn't get your name...? Mine's (y/n)," I said, putting a hand out for him to shake.

"Kyle..." the Zombie shook my hand, just as Ajax ran into the room.

"(Y/n)! There you are! Come on! It's almost time for second period!" Ajax said, then looked at Kyle. "Who's this?"

"His name's Kyle. Kyle, this is Ajax, Ajax, Kyle."

"Cool. Wanna sit with us at lunch?" Ajax offered.

"Sure!" Kyle smiled.

"Yep. Let's get to class then!" I said before running off, Ajax following.

-----TIME SKIP-----

At lunch, I sat down with Ajax, Skye, and Sam.

"So...who's coming to sit with us?" Skye asked, smiling slightly.

"Um...the Enderman from yesterday..." Ajax started.

"...and a couple other hybrids." I finished.

"Okay...?" Sam looked confused as Justin sat down beside him.

"Hey, (y/n)! Who's your friends?" he asked.

"Well introduce everyone when everyone sits down," I said as the Enderman hybrid sat between me and Ajax.

Last came Kyle, who plopped down between me and Sam.

" I'm (y/n)..." I started.

"I'm Kyle."




"I'm Ajax."

"And I'm Ethan..."

I looked at everyone,"We've got quite a few people here..."

" guys wanna go to my house after school?" Justin asked.

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