Justin and Ethan

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Unknown's P.O.V:

I had just gotten out of school when I noticed some storm clouds rolling in. I shrugged it off, telling myself that it was nothing.

About ten minutes later though...



I felt rain...and heard thunder....

I hissed, ducking under a tree. I looked at my hands, which were faintly burned from the water.

"Curse you, Mom!" I said out loud.

I closed my eyes and imagined a house. I didn't know whose it was, but it was better than being out here in the rain.

I felt my feet lift off the ground, and then I was standing on oak planks. I felt someone in front of me, their body heat radiating off them. I could also smell...fear? And confusion...?

I looked up at whose house I was in, sighing when I realized that it was someone from school. When I looked down at who was in front of me, I couldn't help but stare into me beautiful (e/c) eyes.

She looked terrified, so I backed away, suddenly missing the warmth she gave off...

"Who are you...? And what are you doing in my house!?" I looked up at the Creeper hybrid boy with an ice pack on his right eye.

"Sorry...it was just raining...and I'll leave if you want..." I sighed as I teleported back to the tree I was under, and I shivered as I sat down, missing the warmth of the beautiful girl I had teleported behind moments ago...

Ajax's P.O.V:

"Well...that was weird...?" I asked as I wondered who the guy was. I put my bow down, and I saw the other two relax as (y/n) turned around and looked at the spot the guy was in earlier.

"Yeah...was it an Enderman?" she asked as she sat down beside Skye, who had sat back down on the couch. Sam sat down on the couch beside his sister while I sat down in a chair across from the couch.

"Maybe a hybrid... Why?" Sam asked.

"He might be the guy who was getting bullied by Steve..." (y/n) said, looking down at her feet.

I frowned,"This...Steve... He doesn't sound like he's a very nice guy..."

"He isn't. He's just a stupid dork."

"Yeah...when I went into the bathroom, he snuck up behind me and threw me against the wall and punched my eye, saying,'Get near her again and you're dead,'" Sam growled.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened,"He hurt you...because of me?" (I think I'm going somewhere with Herobrine with this... /).3./) 

"Yeah, but don't worry. We've all got our own weapons, and we can protect ourselves," Sam replied as I nodded.

"Don't worry about it. We should be-" I got cut off by my phone ringing.

I looked down at the called ID, then facepalmed mentally as I answered.

M= Ajax's Mom

A= Ajax

A: Hi, Mom...

M: Where are you!? It's almost sundown!

A: Okay! I'm on my way! I just got caught up talking with my friends...

M: Okay! Love you!

A: ...

M: Say it.

A: *teeth clenched* Love. You. Too.

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