Jack's Father and Alex

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Sam's P.O.V:

I laughed as Ajax screamed (y/n)'s name into the woods.

"(Y/n!) Hey, you can come out now!"

(Y/n) stepped into the clearing,"So...who's next?"

"Um..." I started, but then hissed as someone ran up behind (y/n) and grabbed her.

"Wouldn't want to hurt the pretty little girl...now would ya?" the voice laughed as a wolf came out of the woods, growling.

It barked a few times, then ran off into the woods, the person then letting go of (y/n).

"Sorry, (y/n)! Had to get away from Jake..."

(Y/n) turned around,"It's okay, Jack."

"Jack" turned around and looked at us, his icy blue eyes shining against the dark.

"Uh...Jack, right?" Ajax narrowed his eyes.

Jack looked up at him,"Yeah. Never seen you guys around. Just Justin. He's the only one who lives around here."

"Uh...yeah. Sorry...forgot to tell you guys about the...uh...wolves..." Justin smiled nervously.

"Well...he doesn't look like a wolf," Ajax growled.

I nodded,"What are you?"

Jack looked at me,"A hybrid. Same as you."

Skye shrugged,"Cool! Wanna stay with us for a while?"

Jack looked hesitant.

(Y/n) smiled softly as she put her hand lightly on his arm.

He looked at her, then sighed,"Sure. Why not?"

I felt jealousy spark up as I saw (y/n) put her head on his shoulder as they sat down together.

Jealousy? Why do I feel jealous of Jack and (y/n)? It's not like I like her or anything... I growled in my head.

That wasn't the only growl I heard though... Someone (or something) was behind (y/n).

Jack seemed to have heard it too, because as the shadow lept out from behind her, he pushed her out of the way, the shadow landing on him instead.

I grabbed my steel from my pocket as Ajax got out his bow and aimed it carefully at the two wrestling figures. I got an idea as I waited for Ajax to shoot.

As soon as he let go of the bow string, I made a spark, catching the arrow tip on fire. The arrow struck it's target, and the shadow (which looked strangely like a wolf) raced back into the woods.

Jack stood up slowly, grabbing onto the hand that Ethan had given him.

"Thanks..." he huffed, biting his lip. I saw three shining scratches along his arm in the firelight.

"That looks bad..." Justin said. "I'll go get the first aid kit..."

As Justin walked towards his house, Jack sat down, wincing.

"Are you okay?" Kyle asked as he crouched down beside him.

Jack nodded.

"Who was that? You were running from him before..." (y/n) sat down beside him.

"My step-father. He hates me going around people, saying that it's gonna give me away."

"And your ears don't?" I snorted.

He chuckled,"That's what I said!"

"How are you able to joke when your arm is bleeding massive amounts of blood?" Ajax looked at the scratch, which was now bleeding pretty bad.

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