While You Were Swimming

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Jack's P.O.V:

I laughed as me, (y/n), Ajax, Justin, Skye, Sam, Alex, and Ethan ran around the edge of the pond, trying to see who would fall in first. It had been about a week after I had met (y/n), and I had been having so much fun hanging out with her and her friends...especially Ajax.

Okay...so it's weird. A Skeleton and a Wolf...not the best of friends in the Mob world. Oh well...

I was so focused in my thoughts, that I didn't see the slime, left by Alex, in front of me. I slipped and fell into the water, the liquid pulling me under.

I heard laughing as I came back up to the surface, and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! Since I was the first one in, I get to choose the first game!" I smirked.

They rolled their eyes and jumped in...well...all except Ethan of course.

I thought for a moment about what game I wanted to play...and finally decided on "Marco Polo."

Yeah...because it's so original.

I smirked,"Alright... I choose (y/n) to be the one to close her eyes."

"What are we playing?" Sam asked.

"'Marco Polo.'"

He nodded, and so we stuck (y/n) in the middle of the lake, and she spun around 5 times while we all moved around to a different spot.


"Polo!" the word rang out, (y/n) darting toward the closest person to her, which happened to be Ajax.

He ducked underwater, the beautiful girl missing him completely.

Wait...beautiful? I can't be falling for her!


"Polo!" I laughed as Ajax came back up, coughing.

He looked scared and confused, so I stopped laughing and got worried,"Ajax?"

He looked like he was gasping for air, which wasn't a good sign.

"Dude...you okay?" Justin asked, seeing it too.

The half-Skeleton nodded,"Yeah...but something held me under."

I was confused now,"Like what?"

He shrugged,"Don't know. All I know is that it was a pers- Ah!"

He got pulled under by something, and we all were worried when he didn't come back up in a few seconds.

"Ajax...?" Ethan, who was standing on the edge of the lake, looked mortified.

Said person came up, coughing yet again.

"Where'd he go?" Ajax spun around in a circle, looking for his perpetrator.

I felt my eyes widen when I saw something dark come up behind (y/n), who looked afraid to turn around.


Your P.O.V:

"Hello..." a deep voice growled from behind me. I was scared to turn around, but did so anyway.

There was a person, around 5' 8", and for some reason...he had these weird orange things coming off of his head.

That's when I noticed his tail wrapped around me.


I looked and saw that it was indeed connected to his...well...nevermind.

"Uh...hello..." I looked into his red eyes.

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