Ready for Revenge?

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Your P.O.V:

"This is not fun!"

The rest of us laughed as Ajax face planted onto the grass.

He looked up at me, glaring,"This is your idea of fun?"

We had been jumping off a cliff for sometime now, landing on a slime block that brought us back up to the top.

Ajax had just gone, and now everyone had done it at least once. We had to pursuade him to go, and I'm pretty sure he now hated us all.

He stood up, almost falling back down because he was shaking so bad.

"Wow, that really did a number to you, huh?" Jack chuckled.

Ajax glared at him,"It just so happens that I have a fear of heights."

I smiled,"Welp. Now you faced your fear."

He rolled his eyes, but smiled anyways.

"Who wants to go again?" I asked, getting ready to jump off.

No one volenteered, so I shrugged and jumped off, the wind whipping through my hair as I fell. I felt my stomach flip as I landed, the bouncy block of slime launching me back up towards the top of the cliff.

I stuck the landing, smirking at the others as they rolled their eyes.

"Let's do something else..." Kyle muttered.

I looked at him,"What do you have in mind?"

He smirked. Not the good kind of smirk either. It was evil.

"Follow me."

We obliged and followed Kyle through the forest, eventually arriving at a large house.

"Who's place is this?" Sam asked.

Kyle's evil smirk stayed on his face as he answered,"Someone who needs to be taught a lesson for messing with hybrids."

Sam's face lit up, although everyone else (including me) was still confused.

"Who?" Axel asked.

Sam answered this time,"Steve. The guy who gave me a black eye, and Kyle a bad bruise."

I smirked as well,"Payback time."

Axel, Alex, and Jack didn't know the guy, but looked like they were really into this whole revenge thing.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Ajax asked.

"Put pink dye in his shampoo," Skye suggested.

"Or better yet, replace it with slime," Jack smirked.

"Why not both?" I asked.

Sam nodded,"Yeah..."

"Anything else?" I grinned.

Axel's eyes brightened,"Red dye in his showerhead."

"Oh, and black in his toothpaste!" Alex smiled.

We continued collaborating ideas until we had a pretty good list of revenge tactics:

Replace shampoo with pink slime
Red dye in showerhead
Black dye in toothpaste
Put up a sign in school that says: "Steve Block has Herpes!"
Cover the toilet with a glass pane
Put an egg in his backpack
Cover bedroom with signs that have a few...names...on them.

We all agreed on the list and got to work, all of us fairly quick at our jobs. I got to help Jack put the signs in his room, which I loved doing because I got to use some words that I hadn't ever been able to say.

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