First Kiss

752 22 14

Jack's P.O.V:

"What about the demon?" I scowled and shoved the ocelot off me.

"It's... well... he's..."

"Just spit it out," Axel sighed from behind me.

"Harrison is—"


I spun around and saw a brown-eyed teen standing in front of the lake, a calm look etched on his face.

"Get out of here," Justin started to string a web to attack the teen with.

"No need for that," he smiled. "I'm just here to pick up what's rightfully mine."

"You aren't gonna get her," Alex frowned. "She's no one's property."

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, Alex."

"Leave her alone," Ethan narrowed his eyes. "She's not yours."

The teen rolled his eyes, "C'mon, Ethan. Who was the one who—"

"Killed my parents? Your father."

"My dad has had this plan for centuries," he smirked, "And no one is going to get in his way."

"Leave, Harrison," Axel snarled.

"Who's gonna make me?"

"How'd you like to find out?" Axel started to get out his sword, but I grabbed his arm.

"Leave it. He isn't worth shedding blood over. Let's just leave."

"Running away like always... huh, Jack?"

I turned to the teen, "Get your as—"

"Jack," Axel warned.

I sighed, mumbling curse under my breath, "Go back to your father. Tell him his plan isn't gonna work."

"But it will," Harrison smiled evilly.

Before I had the chance to speak again, he was gone, leaving (y/n) in complete cunfusion.

I turned to Ajax and Sam as they came back out of the woods, "You two can handle Harrison, right?"

Ajax glanced up, "Harrison? Why are we—"

"Who the Nether is Harrison?" (y/n) growled.

I blinked before responding, "Don't worry about it."

"Seriously? Why do you guys get to know the guy and not me?"

"Because he's not something to mess around with," Ajax snarled. "He's a Brine for Herobrine's sake."

"So? Isn't Herobrine your god?" she questioned.

Axel sighed, "Look, just because Herobrine is our 'god' doesn't mean he's a good influence. Especially not his son."

"That was his son?"

Kyle frowned, "Yeah, but you shouldn't pay attention to him. He's not exactly the most caring person in the world..."

"I couldn't tell," (y/n) rolled her eyes, sarcasm lacing the words. "But still... he seems... interesting."

Frick. There's that jelousy again.

"You can't like him!" Justin sputtered out.

"Why not?"



I snorted at Justin's failed attempt, "Nice, J. Way to make her feel special."

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