Chapter 4

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I woke lying on the sofa with Mamie and Amanda looking down on me. 'What's wrong with you two?' I asked as I woke myself up, still lying on the sofa 'Well, we looked over and you were just lay there, eyes closed and... We.. just got worried' Mamie smiled nervously. 

'Aww, baby!' I half laughed and sat up. 'I was just tired, thats all. No need to get worried.. I'm fine, Mamie' I got up to go and make dinner. 'What does everyone want for dinner?' I asked walking into the kitchen with all three of them following me... Mamie, Amanda and Don. 'Uh.. Well, that's the thing mom. We thought it would be nice to go out for dinner tonight. Considering whats happened over the past week. We thought you deserved a break' She smiled at me hopefully... 

I didn't reply to her for a while and I guess that they thought that I thought it was a bad idea. 'If you're not up for it Meryl.. We can always just help you cook dinner at home?' Don chimed in. 'No, no! It's a great idea! I think it'd be a great idea to spend some time relaxing and talking, and, getting waited on hand and foot!' I smiled mischievously as I started to make my way upstairs. 'Let me just go and get ready..' I half laughed and smiled as I disappeared upstairs.


I watched her as she made her way upstairs. How was she so gorgeous without even trying?! I just didn't understand it. The girls decided to go up to get ready too. So it was just me, downstairs waiting for everyone.. as usual. I decided to sit down on the couch and relax for a while considering what I've been doing today, I felt like I deserved a break.

I was watching TV as the girls came back down the stairs and naturally, my eyes immediately gravitated towards Meryl. She looked gorgeous and she hadn't really put much effort into her appearance tonight. I found myself walking up to her and pulling her into me for a hug. I whispered into her ear 'You don't know just how beautiful you look tonight. Te Amo Mi Amor' She glanced up to me and smiled. ' Yo también te amo. Mi único' I smiled and kissed her. 'Alright, Alright! I get the feeling if this goes any further then we won't even make it to the restaurant!' Mamie laughed loudly as she walked out to the car with Amanda. 

'After you Mrs Gummer' I knew she always loved it when I was a gentleman.. There was very few times where I wasn't a gentleman. 'Thankyou!' She said as she blew a kiss to me and swayed her hips as she walked infront of me. She knew how much I loved it.. 

We all headed out and got into the car. Meryl got into the drivers seat. I didn't want her to stress herself out after whats happened over the past couple of days, but, she insisted that she drive to the restaurant and back again. I'm not too sure why but I let her. 


I drove... it was just something about driving that I loved. I know Don and Mamie was worried about me after everything thats happened in the past couple of days and no matter how much or how many times I told them I was completely fine, they would NOT listen. 

I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, parked up and we all got out of the car. I suddenly got a dizzy spell and stumbled a little. 'Woah, Mom. You okay?' Mamie said as she instantly put her arms around me. 'Yeah, Meryl. You okay?' Amanda said, quickly walking around the car to us. 'Yeah, Yeah. Absolutely fine! Just a little woozy is all' I smiled and began to walk inside. 

I walked a little ahead of everyone else, and I could hear them trying to work out if I was faking that dizzy spell.. 'She could just be pranking us. She knows we're worried after everything thats happened over this past week..' I heard Mamie say.. I probably shouldn't have been ease dropping on their conversation but, I just couldn't help myself. 

Truth was, I DID get a dizzy spell. I felt like I did just before I collapsed a couple of days ago. but I wasn't going to tell them that. I didn't want them to worry anymore than they already were about me. 


We entered the restaurant and got seated at a table straight away. Well, having a mom who is a big name in Hollywood really does have its advantages. We sat down at the table, mom still wasn't looking right. 'Mom, are you sure you're okay?' I looked over at her, concerned. I didn't want anything happening to her. 'Yes Mamie. I'm fine. Trust me, and please, don't look so worried.' She smiled over at me with her reassuring smile she has. 

'I'll try mom.. but it's not easy with what's happened over the past week' I smiled back at her radiant, smiling face. It was just so infectious, that you couldn't help but smile back when she smiled at you. 'I know, I know baby, but, me and Amanda go off to Skopelos tomorrow..' As soon as she said that, my heart started to pound. 'What if it happened while she was there? What if it happened on the plane?...' I couldn't stop my mind going overtime. 

NO! Mamie, stop it! She knows how to look after herself. 

'Ok, lets order' I smiled and grabbed a menu. 

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