Chapter 16.

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My patience was wearing thin at this point. 'As if we would admit that to you! For all we know you could get us arrested by the police!' The voice from the closet chimed up again. 'Excuse me, but YOU kidnapped ME! i'm pretty sure that's enough to get you some jail time!' I answered back without hesitation. 'Yeah, well... uh.. ' There was hesitation in their voice, I could tell they were worried, and at this point, they knew they had f*cked up.


Christine wouldn't stop going on about the bad points of this whole situation, and quite frankly it was starting to get on my nerves a little bit! 'What's you're suggestion then clever dick?!' I snipped back at her when she wouldn't stop her carry on. 'Maybe we should call the police first. Explain to them and let them help us' Amanda suggested. I said before and i'll say again, this one, is almost at clever as me!

We got to Meryl's corridor, Christine still sat near the lifts and Amanda stood with her, on the phone to the police.... me on the other hand? I just stood there and listened, just to see if I could hear anything suspicious... you know? Apart from that one couple engaging in Fellatio... I couldn't hear anything untoward. I sighed and headed back to the other two...

'The police said they're on their way!' She smiled at me 'Oh good!' maybe weeping beauty over there will stop her crying now!' Do you know what, it was a good thing that me and Christine were good friends, because otherwise I think she would have been easily offended by some of my remarks.


I couldn't help but just think about Meryl. About where she could be. Who could have taken her and what they were doing to her right now. Of course I was super scared for her, but I couldn't show that. It might just set Christine off again.


'Don't suppose you have any wine, do you?' my thinking? I may as well enjoy being locked in a room on my own for the short time I was here! 'WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP' that was always their reply, or at least that in some variation...

'I mean, I would but then that would be no fun would it? I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself...' I laughed slightly. 'Oh, and when do you plan on coming out of the closet? I'm still not sure WHY you have to stay in there when I'm supposedly the one being held captive?'

'I DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER TO YOU!' Here we go again with the shouting...

'Ok, answer me one thing! Did you drug me?'

'Alright, yes!'

That's when the police rushed in...

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