Chapter 18.

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For the past couple of hours, I'd been trying to convince everyone I was ok. Completely ok! But they didn't seem to want to believe me. All I was getting is 'Meryl, are you ok?' 'Meryl, do you need anything?' 'Meryl, are you sure you're ok to carry on?' I was getting quite sick of it to be quite honest with you, sick of all the questions, sick of answering all the questions and sick of the same 'I'm fine' answer.

I didn't know what more I could do to convince them, so I guess I was just going to have to put up with it until they either got bored, or, were truly convinced I was ACTUALLY ok.


I could tell Meryl was getting a little sick of all the questions the whole time but I couldn't help myself in asking them, along with Julie and Christine. I tried to stop myself. I just found myself having a lapse in concentration and asking them anyway. I'd end up getting the dreaded 'look' from the woman herself.

'Shall we go to the meet and greet now then?!' Phyllida exclaimed. 'What? I thought that this was just for the cast to meet up and relax. You know, enjoy their time together. Not do meet and greets and all that.' Pierce replied. 'I know, I know. but this will be the only one, I promise' She smiled 'Plus, you'll all get paid a small fee for doing it' She smirked, thinking the incentive of money would get us to all agree to do it.

'I guess we've got to do it now you've arranged it' Meryl replied, getting up and walking over to the door. I looked back and soon, everyone was following her. I smiled, getting up, heading for the door myself. I guess it's true what some people say, -if you can get the queen of Hollywood to agree to something, anyone else you want to do it will follow suit-


We got down there and looked around to the anticipation on the faces of the 'audience'.. I hated calling them that but I guess that's what they were. The audience.

We all sat down, and began. Not knowing what this all was going to entail.

Half way through, as we were all taking it in turns to 'check' on Meryl, I noticed she was turning slightly pale. Come to think of it, so did Pierce. I stood up, looking over at Phyllida, gesturing to Meryl and Pierce. She caught on instantly and stopped the meet and greet.

After everyone left. We looked over at them 'Meryl, Piece.. You ok?' I looked at them concerned 'Hmm?' Came the reply from Pierce. No reply from Meryl. 'Meryl?' I put my hand on her shoulder. Still no reply.

I looked over at Phyllida, not knowing what to do, and she just shrugged..

I sighed, as did Pierce and Phyllida. We were in for a long ride...

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