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Kara was getting ready to leave her math class with her friends Sandy and Brandy when they reach the school gate, the school bus was driving off. Sandy shouted "stop! Stop!" But it was no use at all. The three girls stood at the school gate for awhile wondering if they should walk home or ask there math teacher if he was going there way. Sandy said to the other girls "i am not staying here any longer and I am not asking that creepy math teacher for a ride either I am walking home " "hey wait on me" said Kara and Brandy with a little fear in there voice because it was getting dark and both girls hated the dark. The three girls reached Mr. Marshall's bakery when they saw a lady got hit by a car and was laying in the road crying out for help, the girls screamed out and ran to help her Kara took her coat off and put it over the lady's bleeding side, Brandy and Sandy went for help. The lady held on to Kara's hand and said "you will be my successor" Kara didn't know what that meant she was trying to stop the bleeding "lady save your strength and don't speak please" Kara said with a soft sobbing voice. The lady said with a scary voice "you will be my special weapon young girl" Kara gasp loudly as she saw the lady's body turn in a green slimy substance Kara tried to run but her left leg was held by the woman and Kara fell and hit her head on the pavement the lady crawled over Kara and look in her eyes "help! Somebody help me!" Shouted Kara the woman started chanting some words "arise arise my child arise and take my place I have fallen and I need you arise arise!" Kara screamed louder but no one was there to help her. Kara's dark brown eyes turn to green her flawless skin became pale and slimy and her newly painted nails grow long and pointed her pearly white teeth became black and brown her straight nose gave way leaving a black hold filled with black slime. Kara screamed in agony because of this rapid change, her soft silky voice changed to a growly terrifying one after saying her chants the woman fell beside kara and turned into dust.

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