Surrounded by death

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Kirby was on the same trail as his friends but he didn't know that. He used a stick to help him move around because he couldn't see because the place was dark, he felt like he was blind swinging the stick left to right. Kiva bumped into Josh and Kate and all three hit the ground hard and started to roll the girls were screaming but Josh didn't even make a sound, they rolled and and rolled and then stopped at a guava tree. Josh was face down and Kiva was on top of him and Kate was laying down beside them crying "Kate are you ok?" Asked Josh who lifted Kiva off him and went towards Kate, "no I am not ok Josh, I think I broke my wrist" said Kate with agony in her voice. Josh felt his way around and found Kate when he touch his girlfriend he found out that she was covered in blood "oh my God Kate you are badly hurt" said Josh with a surprised voice he was a bit sad to know that his girlfriend was hurt, in anger he punched the ground and his fist sink in the moist clay "babe please don't get mad, it was an accident please don't be angry at her" said Kate trying to calm her angry boyfriend down. "I am.... I am... " stuttered Josh, "I am sorry I didn't mean for that to happen " said Kiva with sadness in her voice. Josh picked up Kate in his arm and followed the trail that was hard to be seen. They soon reach a little cabin it was old, the teenagers went up to door and Maria push the door "are u crazy Maria, what the hell is wrong with you? " asked Kiva in a low tone "I am not staying out here ok" replied Maria "we don't know what's inside this old junk, the damn beast that's chasing us could be in there" whispered Kiva angrily "it could be anywhere Kiva" replied Maria "shush kindergarten students " ordered Josh. "Kate is badly hurt and she needs medical assistant " whispered Josh angrily "I am going in there" said Josh with a little confidence he walked inside the dark room, inside had a foul scent soon after Kiva and Maria walked in the room the door shut behind them Maria and Kiva screamed out "shush " said Josh he put down Kate to stand but he still was a support to her. He reached in his pocket and found his lighter, he strikes it a few times but the flame didn't stayed on, he tried one more time, this time he was successful. He use the lighter to look around the room he walked up to a broken cupboard and saw a few candles, he lit them and put them on the ground he held one in his hand and walk over to his injured girlfriend he shone the light over her body to see if she has anymore wounds. He shone it on her broken wrist to see how bad it was. Her wrist was swollen and her bone was pushing through her skin, when she saw it she started crying loudly. Josh tried his best to calm her but it was no use she just went on crying. Josh took off his jacket and fold it to form a little pillow he rest it under Kate's head and gave her a stick he took up from the ground to bite on, "I'll have to adjust your hand babe, it will hurt a bit but I'll try to make it painless as I possible can ok" said Josh assuring his girlfriend. "Ready?" asked Josh "I think so" replied Kate with a little doubt in her voice "on the count of three I'll twist it back into place" said Josh who was saddened by the fact that he had to see the girl he loved in so much pain "ok" replied Kate. "One" said Josh as he held Kate's hand and twist it to the left "oh my God! " screamed Kate "you said on the count of three, what happened to two and three Josh? " shouted Kate "I said I'll make it painless as I possible can, so I told you three so you will be ready on three but I twist on one that way you won't panic and be in a lot of pain" explained Josh. "What ever Josh you could of at least warned me" said Kate holding her hand to her breast, "give me your jacket Kiva, please" asked Josh "what for? " asked Kiva "I need it to use as support to hold Kate's broken wrist in place, please Kiva" begged Josh "ok" said Kiva as she took off her jacket, "here you go Josh" said Kiva as she stretched her hand out with the jacket "thank you" said Josh. He walked back to Kate and gently hold her hand and use the jacket and wrapped Kate's wrist and use his belt to hold it together. Kirby on the other hand was running like a scared rabbit, he was crying and it was slowing him down but after a while he hold him self together and run until he came to the cabin where his friends were, he stopped and took a minute to catch his breath
He saw the dull candle light through the front window "I wonder if there's someone here that will let me stay here for the night? " Kirby thought to him self he slowly walked up to the door and knocked and asked "is any one home?",who could that be?" Whisper Maria "I don't know" answered Josh "wait listen " said Kiva trying to figure out who is calling. "Anyone there? "asked Kirby for the forth time, "hey you guys, that sounds like Kirby " said Kiva with a smile of relief  "what if it's that beast that is chasing us that is pretending to be Kirby so we will go open the door so he can eat us" said Maria as she bite her nails "that's true but I am sure it's Kirby" said Kiva defending what she said. She got up and went towards the door but she was stopped by Maria who asked "are your freaking crazy?! ". "Maybe I am but I know it is Kirby " replied Kiva with tears streaming down her face, "ok ok you go on and open the door you will be the one who will die" said Maria angrily she walked to the other room and hid her self in the dusty closet and hope for the best, Josh took up his girlfriend in his arms and went under the bed. Kiva went the door nervously and opened it, when she looked she saw Kirby hugging himself leaning on the wall "Kirby that y-y-you? " asked Kiva stuttering Kirby walked up to where she was and hugged her "Kiva oh my God, you are alive" said Kirby in surprised "have you seen Kira? Asked Kiva "yes I have but she is dead" replied Kirby with a loud sigh. "Outside is cold come inside and sit down" said Kiva as she held on to Kirby and brought him in the house.

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