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After a month no body saw abomination. But they were talking about her though, many people thought she had died and others weren't so sure. She gathered all her strength she needed she was stronger than before she was faster too and wiser. A few teenagers were camping out in the Dunkleys mountain were abomination made her home, the teenagers didn't know that Dunkleys mountain had a hideous beast living there. They set up camp near the Peterkin river, they made three tents and three person is placed in a tent Josh was the eldest of them so he took it up on himself to be the leader so he set all the rules. They made a big camp fire and everyone sat around it roasting there marshmallows when Kirby started to tell horror stories and Jake was making hand gestures and making weird noises making the other campers afraid. Josh interrupted the story and shut up the boys and try to comfort the other campers including his girlfriend Kate, after a few minutes everyone was okay but they will soon meet the shock of there lives. Abomination was asleep but was woken up by the loud campers she opened her red eyes and gave a loud roar that shook the forest and all sorts of creatures ran in all different direction seeking a hiding place. The campers screamed out in fear "what the hell was that " shouted Emily who was panicking, "probably the boogie man" giggled Jake "not funny Jake " Kate said angrily as she hit Jake with a pebble "ouch that hurts" said Jake rubbing his left arm "serve you right" said Nicky
"Why did they come again? He is so immature" said Kiva in disgust. "They are worst in class" said Kate rolling her eyes. "Guys we still don't know what that loud noise was" said Maria with a concerned voice, "maybe it was a wolf" said Josh trying to be smart "no amigo a wolf doesn't sound like that said Kirby "so no one knows what that was, okay okay you know what guys I am leaving " Nicky said as she pack her things "where are you going Nicky? "Asked Kate "I am going home" answered Nicky with a little attitude "how will you reach home?, Josh has the key to the jeep and it's a long walk back to your house " said Kate with a irritated voice "sigh guess I am stuck here until morning then? " "yes you are " replied Kate. Nicky pulled her sleeping bag and went in Kirby's tent to sleep when abomination crept up on Jake and ripped his head off and drank his blood the other seven ran off leaving Nicky sleeping in the tent abomination ran pass the tent and chase the running seven.

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