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After the witch died, Kara's transformation wasn't complete she was still growling and she was crying too. Siren was heard in a distance Kara couldn't stand so she crawled away from where the witch died. The police cars pulled up beside Kara, the lights was bothering her so she covered her eyes and crouch down and started shaking, "kara!" shouted Brandy "are you okay kara?" Asked Sandy. Kara looked up and tried to answer her friends but no words was coming from her mouth Sandy knelt down before Kara and held her hands, she let go off her friend's hands and back away sobbing "what's wrong Sandy? Asked Brandy" "she...... Her.... Hands".....answered Sandy Stuttering Brandy ask the police to shine the patrol light on Kara they all step back from her shaking. One of the cops asked "are you sure that is your friend?" "Yes she is our friend" shouted Sandy angrily "calm down young lady" said one of the officer trying to comfort Sandy that's my friend there , just look at her what has happened to Kara sobbed Sandy. Kara spoked but you could hear several other voices. "The lights turn off the lights " asked kara in a tormented voice, "oh my God!" Shouted Brandy in shock. Kara started spitting out worms out of her mouth and blood was coming from her eyes, "everyone get back! "shouted the commissioner, Kara stood up but she wasn't standing straight she was unstable "holy mother of Jesus!" shouted the fat policeman in shock. Kara started walking towards the cops, all of them pulled out there weapons and aimed at the girl. "No! No! No! Stop! that's my friend " screamed Brandy the commissioner grabbed her and put her in the police car and tried to calm her down with breathing exercises. Kara felt the urge to feed on the police who was standing a few meters from her, she walk towards him he hold his gun tight and proceed towards her with a high level of caution. Kara was breathing very hard and the cop's heart was pounding very hard, Kara could hear it like it was in her ear when he was close enough Kara jumped on him the cop fired wild the bulled hit the fire hydrant. Kara hit the gun out of the cop's hand and bit off his hand and ate it she then ate his face and made a growl at the other cops. "All units hold your position aim at that thing on my mark, fire!" Ordered the commissioner, "no! Cried Sandy and Brandy  "cease fire!" shouted the commissioner, Kara was on the ground playing dead "I think we have done it boys" said the commissioner with confidence he sent a cop to look if Kara was dead, filled with fear the cop walked over towards the body of Kara and kicked her two times "I think it is dead commissioner" said the cop with a sigh. He started walking back to the cars when he suddenly stopped and looked down he saw a hand coming through his stomach "rick!" Shouted his brother Thomas in agony. Rick screamed but his scream was cut short with a claw across his throat his body dropped to the ground like timber and was devoured by this creature who roared in pleasure after tasting more blood "fire! Keep firing! " shouted the commissioner in anger but none of the bullets caught the beast it escaped into the shadows. "I want that thing found at all cost" said the commissioner with a angry voice.

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