Chapter 23

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Rose's P.O.V.

I don't know why she wanted me to leave with the guys. I can control myself and I wasn't going to jump her when I saw her naked, she was hurt for crying out loud.

"Do you think she'll be alright Em?" I ask him.

"I'm sure she will be, she's awesome defending is like that." He said with a smile on his face.

"Hey I have a question for you two, how did you two stand the smell of her blood?" I ask Jasper and Edward.

They look to each other and shrug then Jasper answers with. "I guess we just don't think of her as food and just as another family member. Her blood didn't even make me want to attack her also, it didn't smell that good." He said and ran off into the woods to hunt with Edward.

I look to Emmett and just shrug my shoulders and walk into his embrace. All of a sudden I start to feel woozy and clutch to Emmett and he looks at me worriedly.

"What's wrong Rose?" He asks and runs me into the house to Carlisle.

When we get in there I see Bella passed out on a chair and Carlisle looking panicky and so are Esme and Alice.

"What's wrong with her?" Emmett asks.

"I don't know she was okay and then suddenly she collapsed. We called her parents and they are rushing over here right now. What's wrong with Rose?" Carlisle asks.

"I don't know all of a sudden she clutched to me and said she felt woozy." Emmett says.

"Guys I'm right here and yeah I felt really woozy and could barely hold myself up." I say and look to Carlisle.

"They are almost here." Alice says and runs to the door and opens it for them.

They run in and look at Bella and rush to her side. They look up and notice me and look to each other.

"Well I guess we found out who was the imprint in the relationship." Renee said to Charlie.

"What's wrong with her. I need to know what happened before this happened and why my daughter is sitting here completely underneath this blanket and why she's not in school right now eating lunch." Charlie said and looked to us.

"She told us her story and mistakes our anger to us being angry at her. She rushed out of the Jeep and we felt terrible so we ran to her first hour and she accepted our apology and we decided to have a day to ourselves so that we could talk. We all went swimming and we're having the time of our lives when suddenly three vampires came and surrounded us. They threatened us and Bella shifted and killed the girl in the group and then one of them took Rose's arm and Bella chased after him. She said that the vampire caught her off guard and broke all of her ribs on her left side and when she came back to us with Rose's arm she had blood dripping from a wound on her side by her ribs. She shifted back and we handed her a towel since she ripped the bathing suit that we let her have and we rushed to the house. We got here and she insisted that Rose be fixed first so we had her arm put back on and then she was worked on and she asked all of the guys to leave except Carlisle and that's all I know. Then suddenly Rose got woozy and almost fell and I rushed her in here and we saw Bella like this. Please don't hate us for what happened, we're sorry and will try our hardest to make it up to you two." Emmett said in a panic to Charlie.

"How deep was the cut Carlisle and what was the thing that cut her?" He asked.

"The cut was just about to the bone and she said that it was his hand before she passed out." Carlisle said and looked to Charlie and Renee. "I honestly don't know what to do, will you please help me figure this out?" He asked/pleaded to them.

Charlie looked to Renee. "Will you run to the house and get the special medicine for her and some loose clothes."

She nods her head and she's out of the house in a flash.

"Her body is shutting down so that she heal the wounds that were inflicted on her. The only difference this time was the since all of her ribs were broken on one side of her body she had to fight harder than normally necessary to kill the vampire that threatened her imprint. Since that happened her body used all of its energy that was saved up to heal her ribs but left her with a deadly gash inflicted to her by a vampire that could kill her if we didn't have this." He said and Renee was back and handing him the medicine.

"This right here can save her life and heal her but since the cut was so deep it may be a few days or a few hours, it all depends on her." He says and takes out the needle.

He lifts the blanket of and winces in pain at the sight of her wound. He puts the needle just above it and pushes it into her body and injects the medicine into her. I flinch when he pulls it out of her body.

He turns back to Emmett and I and starts talking. "Since you are her imprint you are experiencing what she is feeling only not as bad as her since you have not completed the bond. You will be like that till she wakes up so you might as well lay besides her after she has clothes on. Emmett you will have to stay with them and change Bella's bandages to make sure it won't get infected, it's a big deal so keep changing it every two hours. Renee will you put some clothes on her and you two get comfortable because she's going to need you. Also Rose I forgot to mention that she is shielding you from the pain that she is feeling. If the pain gets to bad for her she will share the pain with you. Just wanted to warn you about it because sometimes it just happens." He says and Renee starts dressing our mate.

Charlie looks to Carlisle and Esme. "If you don't mind I'll show you how to make this medicine since they are all a big couple and she'll more than likely be over here often. Also is it alright if we stay till she gets better, she is our pride and joy and we care for her and it pains us to see her like this." As soon as he said that his tough facade slipped alittle and you got to see the teddy bear that Bella was talking about.

"Of course Charlie we would love to learn about this medicine. You two can stay here also, we don't mind." Esme says and motions them to go to Carlisle's office with them.

Emmett sets me down beside her on the floor and grabs the couch and moves it over by Bella's chair. He lifts me up and lays me besides her and then sits besides me holding my hand and squeezing it to reassure me and himself that everything will turn out alright.

Renee's P.O.V.

As soon as I got the call from Alice I grabbed Charlie's hand and we rushed over as fast as we could. When we walked in our daughter was pale and slumped in a chair with her eyes closed. It hurt me to see her like that but I could tell that it hurt her two mates more than it did me.

Those two really care about my daughter and I know that everything will work out perfectly for them in the future.

Another chapter down and many more to go. Thank you for all of the comments and votes. I love to hear what you all think about the chapters and even if you don't like it I would still love to hear it so that I can try to fix it and make it better for you.

Also two updates today because I feel bad for leaving you guys without an update for a few days so sorry about that.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night.

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