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It's fourth period on a Friday. Claire is yaking on about some new movie she illegally downloaded last night. I guess there was a lot of sex in it, which she tells me is a bonus.

Mr. Lory is yelling at some kid, for god knows what reason, so instead of trying to suppress my laughter I focused on the blank sheet of loose leaf in front of me. My written title is; 'adventures on the internet- unwanted porn edition.'

The assignment is weird but I'm sure my title seems weirder. We need to recount a time where the internet has done us dirty, demonstrating how technology sometimes isn't a good thing. I've always hated these dumb 'technology sucks' assignments because they are mostly issued by old teachers who have no idea about the wonders of Google.

Because without Google I wouldn't have been able to research the names Slade and Melisande Simmons. And wouldn't have found their exact wedding date (March 5th, 2010) and wouldn't have seen a whole local magazine spread about the 'most adorable couple this year.' Which seemed odd because nothing about either of them is adorable. Another thing that seems odd is how this whole town seems to treat the two of them like literal royalty. Countless Facebook posts about their wedding, and I don't mean just a few friends. I mean over 500 people joined in congratulating the newly weds over five years ago. So why the fuck does this town care so much about a god damn wedding?

I breath in, telling myself to chill. That I need to stay out of other people's business and just work on my dumb internet porn project.

When the period is over and everyone excitedly packs their bags, day dreaming about getting drunk this weekend, I bid Claire a farewell and exit the school to Gar's car. He's already waiting for me, casually leaning against the car scrolling through his iPhone.

He gives me a fake scowl when I approach so I shoot him the middle the finger.

"So I've been thinking..." He starts as soon as I'm in earshot.

"That's not a good sign," I open the passenger door and enter the car. He follows me after scowling again.

"The rain isn't supposed to start again until tomorrow morning. Which means tonight is the perfect night for a good ole bonfire. Are you in or are you in?"

"I'm in. Lets party," I turn on the radio to my favourite station but Gar cranks it off immediately.

"I hate that station. It's like they're yelling at me," he cringes and I scowl.

When we get back to town, Gar insists we stop at the Co-op and get 'Partayy snacks.' So here I stand on in my favourite isle, making the biggest decision of my life between sour Jolly Ranchers and Twizzlers. I see Gar out of the corner of my eye examine the alcohol section. How he's going to get away with being seventeen and trying to buy beer is past me.

At the cash, where a pretty girl maybe a year or two younger than us stands, Gar sets the beer front and centre an gives her a wink. That's literally all he needs to get away with underage drinking because she doesn't even ask for ID. He gives me an evil laugh after we exit the building, Jolly Ranchers and Captain Morgan in tow.

In the car he tells me to text all his friends, including Claire. I've met most of them, and as much as I hate to admit it, actually got along with the jock friends that he has. Damien, Jordan, Tyrion, and Clarke are the only ones I really know. And every single one of them is built like an Ox. Although believe it or not they don't play a single sport in the high school.

No one is home at either of our houses, Gordo and Myana at daycare, our parents out working. Gran is probably asleep upstairs but she doesn't count. I realize I haven't seen the sun in this town until now, and it seems to shine brighter and hotter than anywhere else. As if it's been saving all its energy for today. Gar leads me to his usual bonfire spot, bonfires allegedly being a common thing around here.

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