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The first wolf rips through the woods like it's butt is on fire.

I see it coming toward me and the world has sped up, I only have a moment to move. Instead of using this moment wisely, I stand frozen watching its jaw open wide as it barrels through the woods.

I'm holding my branch in front of me when it leaps through the air. I'm expecting a blow but in never happens. When I open my eyes I hear the crack before I see it. It's sickening but at the same time mesmerizing, until I realize what has happened. Gar- or rather some furry, much larger version of Gar-
has it's jaw in his hands. The bottom part is hanging off the wolfs face, swaying like a clock. I can see down it's throat.

I don't scream when Garner throws its lifeless body onto the ground with an agression I can't even fathom. I don't scream when I take in his full form; two feet taller with a jaw elongated into a snout and fingernails like talons.

He stands on two legs, and the shape of his body is human, but the way he moves is anything but. Before I can flip out, the next two wolves are already upon us. Garner pounces on one of them but can't control the second, who comes straight toward me. It's mouth is dripping blood and I think back to the other few people who stayed at the bonfire.

I'm holding my stick in front of me, which proves to be useless because it goes for my legs instead. Rows of canines sink into my shin as I fall backwards onto the soft ground. This time I scream. I scream louder than I previously thought possible and it seems to cut through a silent night like a samurai sword. The wolf doesn't move it's jaw, instead tightening its grip on my leg until I think he's reached bone. My scream turns to anguish as I think of something, anything, to get me away. I kick both my legs, and feel the tearing of skin around the wolfs jaw even more prominent, but I don't stop. I kick harder until my left leg has connected with its face. The grip on my shin loosens just enough for me to tear my leg out of its jaw. I don't see the skin hanging off my leg like a wind ornament, instead I see the two other wolves advancing toward me.

I clench my teeth in frustration, wondering if Gar has left me here to die. But no, I peer to my left for a split second, where I see him moving faster than my eyes can follow. He's fighting off two bigger wolves. But I know it won't be enough. That there are three wolves advancing on me and more to come.

The wolves are moving slowly, for they know they've won this battle. I pick up my branch and hold it out in front of me. The biggest wolf to my left snarls so I snarl back even louder. When it steps forward, I swing my branch as hard as I can against the side of its head, successfully throwing him off his path. But I've taken too long to fight the first one, and now the two others are upon me.

I hit the ground harder this time, my head slamming against a rock as the wolves pounce. One of them holds my left arm in a grip as tight as the first time, but I cant scream for my voice has gone raw. The second breathes on my face for just a moment before it's claws elongate on my chest and pierce the skin above my breasts. My voice is hoarse as I finally open my mouth to scream.

The claws drag down my torso, every inch not failing to make me tear my vocal chords apart. My sweater and shirt have ripped and I see the torn skin and blood of my front in full view. The wolf at my wrist has begun bitting even harder, splitting my veins and reaching bone. I don't notice the three other wolves approach me until my vision has gone blurry. The wolf at my chest starts it's pathway again, beginning at the top of my torso and dragging its claws downward. As if it wants me to feel the same pain over and over again.

I'm thrashing with my feet when I feel two different sets of jaws clamp onto my ankles. I'm using every ounce of energy left in me to do anything but lay here to be eaten alive. But I know my efforts will be futile.

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