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Sick Individual- Halestorm


At my absolutely terrified look, she tries to ease me.

"I'm sure he will be able to hold back, but it would be a lie to say that it's never happened. These men are animals, Joanie,"

I'm glancing around the forest like he could possibly be listening. "So, uh mates are like this- wonderful gift given to werewolves and mutants right? But somehow, it's okay for the man to literally rape his mate. Because he is an animal. I am tight with a lot of animals. And I do not see Mick mick going around trying to fuck some poodle against her will."

"Yes, Joanie. It is very much wrong. You can understand why I left the pack and never considered going back. But Slade, I'm positive, for your sake, will hold off on his needs. You are so young and small and it seems a curse rather than a blessing to pair you with The first Born Mutant Son."

"No fucking duh," I huff and collapse back into my chair.

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you. You will find good in him, and you will find happiness in your pack."

"My pack?! Oh hell to the no. I don't want shit to do with those fucks. I am just going to live my cute, war free life away from those shitheads. Slade Simmons can get fucked by his wife I am staying away from him whether he likes it or not," Im walking toward the door when my Gran speaks again.

"The bond will take power over you wherever you like it or not. The more you deny it the more real it becomes dear," her voice is stern and echoes throughout the dark forest around us.

My only response is the slamming of the front door.


The next day, I force myself to go to school. Because even though Im cursing each and every one of those mutant fucks as I drag myself off my bed, I can't hold anything against Garner. I know he feels bad for the situation he's put me in, and I can't be mad at him for doing everything he can to keep me safe.

So I let him pick me up and drive me to school. We don't talk about what happened yesterday, aside from me asking how Gordo is doing and Garner telling me that he's as annoying as always. I still have the ghost of the kiss that he planted on my cheek lingering there.

When we get to school, I am already dreading the math test that I didn't study for. And the gym fitness stations that I didn't work out for. Like I am fine and dandy when it comes to sports but... c'mon... no one wants to work out around their classmates while listening to shitty salsa music. Except for Garner that is, who is a total show off.

"How are you feeling?" Claire is giving me a concerned look.

"I am feeling spectacular, how are you feeling?" I brush off her concern as I casually pull my binder out of my backpack.

"Not happy for this test," she grumbles.

"Tell me about-"

I don't get the chance to finish my sentence, being rudely interrupted by an announcement from our principal.

"Good morning students, its day three on your schedules and the lunch special is Mac and Cheese. After announcements could Joan Garnet please report to the principals office-"

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