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Erin could hear their boisterous conversation half way down the hall. She smiled to herself. When Will first rolled back into town last year Jay had seemed uneasy not knowing what his unpredictable playboy brother was up to. But Will had surprised Jay, deciding to stay, finding a job he was passionate about and dedicated to and settling back into Chicago life. This last while, since Mouse had rejoined the army and they'd both moved in with their girlfriends, the brothers had been hanging out as often as schedules permitted.

As Erin twisted the handle on the front door she was greeted by the smell of pizza and sound of hockey coming from the tv. Apparently it was Jay's turn to host game night. She didn't mind. Will was good company and the way he and Jay teased and laughed at each other always made for a fun evening. She loved seeing Jay smile. He didn't do it enough and was glad he had this chance to rebuild a relationship with his brother.

When they caught sight of Erin struggling down the hall with grocery bags they both jumped up to take them from her.

"Hey," they both greeted her, Jay leaning in for a hello kiss.

"You should have text, we would have met you down at the car," Jay offered.

"I was good," she smiled watching the boys unpack the bags. She shook her head wishing, not for the first time, she could have met the woman who raised these two charming, over confident ,considerate, stubborn as hell, goof balls.

"Pizza just got here a minute ago babe, go get some," Jay said passing her a beer as he put things away in the fridge.

Erin didn't need to be told twice. She took up residence in the middle of the couch and pulled out a slice of pizza. Within minutes the boys were back taking a seat on either side of her. Erin leaned into Jay's side and they all settled into eating and watching the game.

Jay waited until the period ended before springing the news on Erin.

"So," he began "Will's gonna crash here for a couple nights if you're cool with that?"

Erin's eyes went wide with surprise and curiosity, "Of course," she replied "but why, what happened? What did you do," she pinned Will with a look.

Nina was a sweet girl, Erin liked her. Although it took some time to get use to just how cheerful and energetic she always was, she enjoyed the few times they'd gone out on double dates. Jay had been shocked when Will announced he was moving in with Nina so quickly and had bet Erin a c-note they wouldn't last six months. Erin had no desire to loose the bet.

"I, ah, umm" Will stuttered. "Why do you think it's something I did?" Will whined.

Erin cocked her head to the side and gave him a pointed look.

"He kissed Nat," Jay ratted him out.

"What!" Erin gave Will a nasty look, letting him know he was in her bad books.

"And Nina walked in on it, at work, in the lounge," Jay continued to throw his brother under the bus.

"Will! You kissed her at work? What were you thinking?" Erin admonished.

"Gee thanks little brother, as if I didn't feel bad enough now I'm in shit with Erin," Will grumbled.

"WE," Jay over emphasized pointing between himself and Erin, "don't keep secrets. See Will, THAT'S how you make a relationship work," he teased his brother.

Erin smacked Jay's arm lightly, "don't rub it in Jay. I'm sure you're brother feels like the biggest ass in the world right now," Erin said, letting Will know he'd be in even more trouble if he wasn't feeling guilty as hell.

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