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The call came out of the blue. Jay was finally back to work and feeling himself again. He was heading out to pick up some files from Narcotics when Will's name lit up on his phone. Not thinking much of it, he answered.

"Yo, what's up," Jay greeted his brother.

"Jay," Will said, the seriousness in his tone caught Jay's attention. "Any chance you can come down to Med?"

"What's going on?" Jay asked, concerned.

"It's the old man, they just brought him in, think he had a heart attack," Will explained.

There was silence as Jay processed Will's words.


"Yeah, I'm here. I'm on my way," Jay answered. 

He was conflicted the whole drive over. He hadn't spoken to the bastard in probably four years. Hadn't mentioned him outside of one conversation with Will when he first blew into town. Hell, Erin didn't even know what the deal was with his 'daddy issues' just that they didn't talk. But just because he didn't care to speak to his father didn't mean he wanted him dead. In fact just the opposite, he wanted the bastard to live a long, miserable and lonely life. Jay wanted him to feel the consequences of his actions for years to come.

Will was waiting for him when he walked into Med.

"What's happening?"

"Rhodes is checking him out, well trying too.  He's refusing medical attention, says he doesn't want to be here." Will explained.

"Why'd he call an ambulance then?"

"Apparently he didn't. Mrs. Jarvis next door saw him hunched over in the yard, called nine one one and came running out. Apparently he was grabbing his chest and couldn't breath." Will elaborated.

Jay nodded. "Where is he?"

Will led the way to the exam room. When he slid open the door and curtain they were greeted by their father's gruff voice telling off Dr. Rhodes. Jay cringed, embarrassed by his father's behaviour.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Patrick Halstead barked at Jay. "Think I'm on my death bed? Come to watch me die. Sorry to disappoint you son, but you'll have to wait a little longer for that."

It was as if no time had past. The four years he'd spent putting distance between him and his father melted away and he was right back to being his father's verbal punching bag.  The old man looked different, a little older, a little greyer, carrying a little more weight around the middle but even sitting on the gurney hooked up to a heart monitor he still looked every bit the intimidating bully Jay grew up resenting.

"Mr. Halstead I need you to lay back on the bed," Connor asked.

"It's doctor, I'm a god damn doctor, where the hell is the respect around here? I said I'm fine, that means I'm fine, I'm not laying down for no one, especially not some punk like you," Patrick boomed.

"My apologies Dr. Halstead," Connor began but Patrick cut him off.

"I don't need your god damn apologies, I need to go home."

"Dad," Jay admonished.

"Oh it's dad now is it?  Not calling me nasty names this time? What you think I forget what you said the last time I saw your sorry excuse for a life. You still playing at cop I see, pretending you're some kind of super hero." Jay's back straightened and he crossed his arms on his chest as if he was insulating himself against his father's mean words.

"Dad that's enough," Will said sharply. "You're embarrassing yourself."

"Oh look at that, you finally grew some balls, sticking up for the little punk," Patrick laughed.

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