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Just want to take a second to thank you for your continued support. This story wouldn't be possible without any of you since it's composed entirely of your prompts. (This last chapter covering several all at once) It's been a lot of fun to write, so thank you for this experience! Although I've tried to connect with everyone who's left a review or messaged me, many of you are sweet enough to leave reviews as 'guests' and I don't get the opportunity to let you know how good your notes make me feel. So thank you! 

This is the final chapter. I hope you enjoy it! Xoxo


They were a pathetic pair. Anyone in the bar could see it. Two fully grown men, one a damn cop, let a woman confined to a bed whoop their asses. Okay so she hadn't actually laid a finger on either of them, a fact that made their retreat even more pathetic because they'd still run, tail between legs, from the room when she'd ordered them out. 

They'd only been trying to help her, both bothered by the amount of pain she was clearly in. But Erin wasn't having any of it and after repeatedly pleading with them to just leave her be she'd resorted to throwing her cup of ice chips at Will's head to get her message across. Jay could have kicked himself for not realizing sooner that she just needed a bit of time alone. Erin had always valued her personal space and since she'd been pushed down the stairs last Saturday she'd had no room to breathe.  She'd probably felt like the walls were closing in on her and since she couldn't retreat herself, she needed them to get out of her hair for a bit.

He'd grabbed Will and backed out of the room, reminding her he was only a phone call away should she need anything, before Erin could cause herself any harm trying to make her point. So now here they were sat sulking in a corner booth of the bar across from the hospital nursing beers and emasculated egos.

"She's got you whipped," Will jabbed at his brother.

"And she's got you scared of your own shadow," Jay shot back.

"You like being a house husband," Will continued, ignoring Jay's comment.

"And you like having someone to gang up on me with."

"I do. Don't fuck it up." Will smirked.

Jay shot Will a nasty look. Jay wasn't the one who burned through women. "I don't plan to."

"So why haven't you asked me to get mom's ring from the safety deposit box yet?" Will challenged.

Jay chuckled humourlessly. "Because I'm not gonna fuck things up with her, remember?"

"Asking the woman you love to marry you is fucking things up?"

"It is when the woman you love is Erin Lindsay." He didn't need to elaborate. Jay had told Will about Erin's commitment issues.

"Maybe before, but I don't think that's true anymore." Will countered taking a pull of his beer.

"You honestly think I'm gonna take relationship advice from you?"  Jay laughed incredulously.

Will considered Jay's words and winced a bit when he though of his relationship track record. "Okay fair enough, but maybe in this case you should. After all I am the one who's talked to Erin about the two of you getting married."

Jay nearly spit out his beer in shock. "You talked to her about marrying me? Oh god Will, please tell me you didn't pull one of your stunts and fuck this up for me."

"Relax little brother. It's not what you think."

"Then please tell me what the hell you're talking about." Jay's humour had vanished and his tone was a mix of threatening and fear of what his brother had done.

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