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Anon prompt: can you please write more with Erin and Papa Halstead.

Even though we've since learned Patrick Halstead is not a doctor, as we once were told, I decided to stick with the character I created in part 4 for this prompt as well, for continuity sake. Hope you enjoy!


She'd been dreaming about this since Will had 'moved in' with them a month ago. A night alone, the apartment all to herself. No sports, no jokes about bodily functions, no sharing her favourite snacks, just peace and quiet.  She finally got it tonight with Jay doing his second night of undercover work and Will having left this afternoon for a two day conference. The first hours had been pure heaven. A long hot shower, dancing around to her favourite music playing a little too loud, and watching a cheesy movie without being made fun of, buffet of snacks all to herself.

Then the most pathetic thing happened. She felt bored. And lonely. It was disgusting really.  She'd been happy coming home to the peace and disorganized order of her own little condo for years before these Halstead men had invaded her space both with their own quirks. Jay with his need to line boots up with military persecution, tucking the corners of the bedsheets in so tight she struggled to roll over between her pillows at night; and Will imparting his wisdom about healthy living and oversharing of grotesque details of patients he'd worked on.

God knows she'd grown attached to the overgrown man child who helped her gang up on Jay and told her all the best stories from their childhood but she was getting close to having a chat with Will about leaving the nest. She missed making out with Jay on the couch and walking around the apartment in nothing but his tshirt.  Besides Will and Nat had finally started dating and Erin wasn't in any way mentally prepared to come home one night and find them making out on her couch, the couch she and Jay use to make out on.

Okay so she was a little preoccupied with thoughts of sex on her couch, but her sex life had decreased significantly since Will moved in. She hoped Jay wrapped his undercover tonight so they could take advantage of Will being away. She knew just the outfit she'd wear too to remind Jay how much better his life would be if he gave his brother the boot.

Her phone buzzed with a call and the name that lit it up was the equivalent of a cold shower. Why was he calling her?

"Hello?" She answered cautiously.

"Hey slugger," Will greeted her a little too charmingly. She had a bad feeling he was trying to butter her up.

"What do you want," she replied dryly.

"What? I can't just call my favourite roomie to say hi?" He teased.

"You know if you want something from me saying things that make it sound like you have no plans of ever getting off my couch probably isn't the best way to butter me up," she stated sarcastically.

"You're right," he agreed the humour leaving his voice. "I do need something, and I promise I'll make it up to you, whatever you want," he rushed to sweeten the deal.

"What?" She asked bitterly. She knew Will was about to put an end to her peaceful night at home.

"It's dad," Will began. "He's not picking up."

"He's probably avoiding your calls, something I should have done." She observed bitterly.

Will ignored her come back, "Erin please, I just have a bad feeling. He hasn't sounded great the last few days and when I went by to check on him this morning he seemed really tired.  I'd just feel better if I knew he was okay."

"You want me to go check on him," she muttered flatly.

"I'd ask Jay but obviously he can't," Will reasoned, knowing Jay couldn't be reached while on this undercover. "Please Erin, I'll make it up to you, honestly anything."

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