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Another one that combines a few requests including 'can Hank and Papa Halstead meet,' and the very popular 'can I please have a hurt Erin and Halsteadx2 taking care of her.' Of course you can! Hope you enjoy!


She felt like she was in one of those movies where time slowed down and everything moved in slow motion. She heard shouting behind her as she made her way towards the exit stairs of the L, having opted to do some Christmas shopping this way rather than vie for parking and deal with the Saturday before Christmas traffic. She turned to see what the commotion was and that's when time slowed. Before she could side step the man, dark coat flapping like a cape behind him he was running so fast, he barrelled into her. She felt her feet leave the ground as he propelled her backwards. Her grip on her bag let go as her arms instinctively came up and out trying to reach for anything that would slow or break her fall. The last thing she remembered thinking was 'oh fuck, this is gonna hurt!'


"... and order a CT scan. Let's get her up to ortho to get that leg set," she heard a familiar voice instructing someone. She could feel a presence at her side and wildly reached out, not yet in full control of her motor skills, grabbing at fabric.

"Hey slugger," he said soothingly. She moaned then blinked her eyes open slowly. His brown ones stared back at her a little closer than she expected. She frowned. Those where the wrong colour eyes, this was not the man she wanted to wake to. And where was she anyway?  What the hell happened? He saw the confusion on her face. "You're okay, Erin. You're at Med. Some bumps and brusises and a few broken bones to tend to but you're gonna be okay," he said reassuringly.

She blinked again trying to clear her head. The memory of falling came to her and on its heals the pain. She closed her eyes, squeezing Will's coat tighter.

"We gave you something to take the edge off for when you came to. I know how you feel about pain meds but say the word and I'll get you something stronger," Will offered, uncurling her fingers from his medical coat and taking her hand in his.

Erin tried to take some deep breaths but that just brought more pain. She shifted and couldn't stop the strangled cry that escaped her. A tear betrayed her, the pain was so intense.

"Easy there. You cracked a few ribs and broke your leg," he said trying to settle her. "I think I should give you something. They're going to want to when they set your leg anyway."

Reluctantly Erin nodded. As much as she wanted to tough it out she felt slightly panicked not being able to fully draw air in. "Jay," she croaked out.

"He'll be here soon, Maggie gave him a call. We're gonna keep you for awhile after they set your leg so I'll see you in a bit," Will promised as he pushed the pain meds into her iv.

Warmth spread through Erin and she closed her eyes at the sensation.


It had been a completely unpleasant experience, even with the pain meds, but she'd survived getting her leg set and casted and was back in the ED. Within minutes of being wheeled into a room Jay appeared.

"Hey," he said coming to her side. Her eyes were glossy from the meds Will told him she was on but he could still see pain in her eyes. Carefully he brushed her hair off her face and bent to kiss her. "How you doing?" He asked gently.

"Okay," she lied.

"You know if you didn't want to go to the Christmas party tonight you could have just said so," Jay teased gently. His efforts earned him a half smile.

"I did want to go actually, had a little dress all picked out for you. And I sure as hell didn't want to be benched from work," she grumbled. "Was anyone else hurt?" She asked, knowing that someone in Intelligence would have talked to the emergency responders and pulled footage from the train platform already.

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