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This one combines several prompts/requests into one chapter: Blackhawks game/double date/Erin knocking someone out and Will being super impressed.  Thanks to everyone who continue to submit prompts and for all the amazing feedback. Your comments/messages/reviews motivate me to write more and just generally make me feel amazing lol so thanks for all the love! Xoxo


"Honestly Erin, I think you would love it. It's such a good stress reliever," Nina gushed.
Erin smiled politely. Nina had spent the better part of the first period of their Blackhawks game double date trying to convince Erin to go to hot yoga with her on Sunday morning.



Erin didn't do anything on a Sunday morning that didn't involve her bed and sleep.

"You should go babe, then hit your jazzer-size class afterwards," Jay whispered in her ear, mocking her. Erin shot him a warning look then got an evil grin on her face.

"Honestly I'm not sure it's my thing but Jay was talking about how he'd love to try it just the other day, weren't you babe," she said sweetly.

The nasty look Jay shot Erin almost made her burst out laughing. Will did laugh out loud. "You'll love it Jay," he teased.

"And so will you Will, weren't you telling me how you wanted to take more of an interest in Nina's interests? Here's your chance!"  Jay countered.

Erin snickered as Will's face fell flat.

"Great! It's settled then," Nina said cheerfully. "We have our next double date planned. Sunday morning at the yoga studio!"

"Wait, what?" Erin asked perplexed at how that had gone south so fast.

Jay slipped his arm around her. "Awe, did your little plan backfire on you?" He whispered kissing her ear.

"Don't get cocky, you're roped into this now too!" She reminded him.

He made a face at her then whispered, "I'm gonna get the spot right behind you, at least then I'll have a good view." He winked at her then turned his attention back to the game. Erin smacked his chest lightly and laughed.

A few minutes later Jay and Erin chuckled together, amused as sweet perky Nina stood and screamed angrily at the ref, wildly shaking her arms around, disgusted with his call. Will looked on, a proud smile on his face.

"Girl's got some fire under all that sunshine and rainbows," Jay mumbled to Erin.

"Hmm makes you wonder what she'd do to your brother if he doesn't stop making heart eyes at a certain someone," Erin murmured into his chest.

"Hey, it's a hockey game not the back seat of a car at a drive-in. Would you two stop whispering sweet nothings and making out already," Will shouted loud enough to make several people turn and look at them.

"Jealous?" Jay volleyed while Erin blushed at the attention they'd drawn.

"Hell no," Will said throwing his arm over Nina's shoulder and planting a big wet kiss on he cheek.

Nina giggled as she wiped his slobber from her face. "Gee thanks." 

Two hours later they made their way through the jovial crowd out to the parking lot. "So should we celebrate the win with a few drinks at Molly's?" Nina proposed. The group agreed and headed out to the bar.

They'd settled at a table in the busy bar with their drinks and light conversation for a couple hours. The boys teased each other in an attempt to out do the other making the girls laugh, their laugher getting louder with each round of beer delivered to the table.

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