♡Part 6♡

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I woke up to the smell of smoke. My vision was blurry and people were shouting my name but all I could hear was murmurs. Soon they got louder and louder and I could feel someone tugging at my arm.
"Y/N WAKE UP!!!! WE NEED TO LEAVE!!! Y/N?!!?!!!!!"
I quickly snapped up to find my room filled with smoke and a coughing Tanner in front of me. I had no words, but I was pulled up by him and took to my window.
"Y/n, we're going to have to jump out the window. You see that trampoline the firemen are holding" he pointed to 5 firemen holding a trampoline beside the house. "All you have to do is jump and then everything will be okay.." I done as Tanner said and jumped out of the window holding tanner's hand before safely landing onto the trampoline.
I was so confused. I still hadn't woken up properly until Tanner handed me a flask coffee.
Once I drank it all, I could finally speak, "Tanner, what's happening?" I said confused and scared.
"I couldn't sleep as I was not stop thinking about you.." he blushed. "...and then all of a sudden I looked out of my window to see someone in black leaving your house and smoke filling your room. I woke up my mom and we ran over to your place and she called the police. Once they arrived after a few minutes, your parents were out of the house and said they couldn't wake you up. I wasn't going to let them leave you in there so I ran past all of the smoke to make it to your bed and eventually woke you up and now we're here." I was shocked at the whole thing and there were so many questions running through my head like why was my room on fire? How? Who was the man in black running out of my house? Was he trying to kill me?????
Soon the police came over to explain what happened with the fire and everything, "you were targeted by violent burglars. They must have wanted something valuable from you and probably couldn't find it and when they can't find what they're looking for, they do damage and lots of it... they set your wardrobe on fire and poured petrol onto cut open wires. If your boyfriend there didn't save you in a couple more minutes, you would both be dead." Me and Tanner were both shocked and jaw-dropped. Tanner thanked the police man whereas I couldn't get any words out, all I could do was fall into tanner's arms and hug him as tightly as I could. I eventually got a whisper out, "thank you" with tears falling down my cheeks. Tanner comforted me and stroked my back before the ambulance came to see if we were alright. They gave us some air and a tinfoil blanket to keep us warm. I just pushed my head into Tanner's chest and closed my eyes hoping that everything would be alright.
What will happen to y/n now??
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BURNT DOWN • Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now