Part 1

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Zane (Pov)

I lazily drug my feet across the carpet as I made my way to the kitchen. I opened the cabinet and climbed onto the counter in order to get my medicine bottle. My head is killing me and my stomach feels like it's having World War III in it.

I removed my mask and popped the pills into my mouth before sipping on my PowerAde. I dragged myself into the lounge room before having to stop as I broke into a coughing fit. Before I knew it, I was on the ground pinned to it.

I gasped as I began to squirm under the intruder. I felt a hand beginning to pull my pants down as the other wrapped itself around my throat. I screamed my loudest for to stop, begging at this point as I saw him take off his pants as his hand tighten around my throat.

I closed my leg and clawed at the hand on my throat, my lungs screaming for air. I cried out in pain as he thrusted into me. His hand left neck and pinned my arms above my head. I was about to start kicking when he placed a sharp blade against my throat.

"Keep fighting and I'll make sure you don't live after this," his deep voice ranged through my ear as tears ran down my face like a river. This went on for a while, the pain never leaving. I felt him release, hoping he'd leave now.

As soon as he left the room, I crawled over to my phone. I dialed 911, but once I got the operater on the other side, the man had returned. He saw me on the phone and lunged at my with his knife. I screamed as he dug his knife deep into me multiple times.

He left after one last stab in the center of my chest, leaving the knife there.

"Sir. Sir, we have an ambulance and the police coming. Please stay on the line with us." I heard the voice ring through the phone.

I strained my voice to try and reply but all the came out was a coughing fit.

"Sir, they're almost there hang on. Sir?"

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