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(I drew ze pic)
(And it's from two years ago and it's pure shit so I'm replacing with more updated art)

Roleplaying styles I hate:

Rose: *walks to balcony and thinks* Why!

Rose (walks to balcony and thinks) Why!

Rose walked to the balcony *why?*

If you roleplay like this then don't talk to me. Look at the way other people roleplay and adapt. Okay?

Roleplaying I'm okay with:

Rose walked to the balcony and thought, tears almost spilled from her eyes. "Why?!"

This isn't bad roleplaying at all, it's actually what I'm used to in normal roleplays. It would just needs more of the characters thoughts in it.

Roleplaying I love:

Rose walked to the balcony thoughts were racing through her mind. She wanted to get the bad thoughts out but just couldn't. "Why?" She wailed softly. Unable to stop the tears from faking from her eyes as she hung her head low and cried.

This is roleplaying that I like a lot, it gives you room to reply and conveys the characters feelings well.

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