Chapter 4-21!

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*two weeks later*

Darcy's POV

I wake up to marimba playing on my phone. I reach across and answer the phone forgetting to look at the caller ID.

"HAAAPPPYYYY BIRRRTTHHHDAAAAAYYYYY!!!" Zoe screams down the phone. I move it away from my ear laughing.

"Thank you Zo" I reply giggling.

"Well,come open the front door then Darce!" She shouts, "oh and by the way,um Niall Horans at your front door too,am I asleep?" I laugh loudly and open the front door not caring about only being in shorts and the lakers jersey Niall bought me.

I am greeted with a very hyper Zoe with 2 huge bags full if presents and a bunch of balloons and a very scared looking Niall carrying two presents,a card and a huge bouquet of flowers.

"Darce!" Zoe shouts as she tries to hug me with all the bags getting in the way. Niall bursts out laughing earning a death stare from Zoe. "Sorry" he giggles and walks through to the kitchen and putting the kettle on.

"We need to talk about HIM later" Zoe whispers. I mentally curse myself for not telling her about him before.

We walk into the kitchen and there's 3 cups of Apple juice on the table and Niall is making pancakes.

"Happy Birthday babe" he says as I blush. "Thanks ni" I reply.

"Where's Mia?" I say thinking out loud. Just as the words leave my mouth a very excited dog comes running in with her teddy bear and jumps up at my leg. I laugh as Zoe picks her up and cuddles her.

"So,how does it feel being 21?" Zoe asks. "The same as being 20" me and Niall laugh as Zoe pouts at me. Niall places the pancakes on three plates and hands me the flowers he bought me and kisses me on the cheek. I place them in some water and eat my pancakes conversing with Niall and Zoe while doing so.

"PRESENTS" Zoe shouts when we've all finished. I laugh and me and Niall follow her into the living room. "Niall,would you like to go first?" Zoe asks politely. "No,you go ahead love" he reply's and Zoe's face turns a light shade of pink. I giggle at her reaction. "Here" she says handing me a card.

It reads:

To Darcy Monroe

Happy 21st birthday! Joining the crew ay?;)

I can't wait until you open your presents and I hope you have a fab day! Even though I know you will cause you're going to be with me!;)

I love you lots:)

Love from

Zoe X

"Aw! Thank you beautiful!" I say. "Save it until after your presents" she laughs handing me my first present. It's a dress from topshop that I absolutely adored. It's a dark burgundy colour skater dress with a studded collar. I go to say thank you but she just shoves another box in my face.

After opening 14 boxes consisting of a brand new make-up set with everything you could ever need with brushes,lots of clothes,a new handbag,a photo of me her and Joe,a tripod,and a camera remote. I questioned the last two but she told me I'd understand soon. Okay then?

She held out a big box that was really heavy. As I opened it she let out a little squeal and I laughed. I got all the wrapping paper off and it was a Canon 5D camera,the one she uses to film her videos.

"So?" She says, "thank you!!" I shout, "but I'm really confused to why you have bought me a camera,a tripod and a camera remote" I laugh.

"Darcy Monroe,I have made you a YouTube channel" she smiles a huge smile as my face holds a look of shock/excitement. "It's called Sprinkle of Chatter" she shouts again. "Eeeeeek!" I squeal and Niall covers his ears. Me and Zoe laugh at his reaction.

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