Chapter 14- My Real Past.

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Darcy's POV

It all started when I was about 7 years old. My mum and dad just weren't the same anymore and my dad began drinking. Everyday and every night he would always have an alcoholic drink in his hand.

When I turned 8 he wouldn't let me have a party or a sleepover of any kind. He made me stay at home and when I said no he hit me, and it was hard.

I was passed out for 3 days afterwards,and had a huge bump on my head for weeks. I went to school as if nothing had happened and when I got asked what had happened my excuse was 'I fell over and banged my head'. I never told anyone the truth and I soon regretted it.

When I turned 1o, my mother walked out on me and my father. Just upped and left without a word or an explanation. Things got worse after that, he hit me more and he began locking me in my room for days without food and water. Years passed and no-one found out,and I didn't intend to tell anyone.

My 13th birthday came and went very quickly and I saw a change in my dad, I thought it was for the better but it turned out not to be. He had this new friend, a man, and this man had a son who was slightly older than me. His name was Harry Styles. At that time the name meant nothing to me and quite frankly, he scared me.

After meeting Harry's dad, my father became pleasant and stopped hurting me. He also really wanted me and Harry to be together, like in a relationship. He was like the only father I know who would want their child going out with a 'bad boy' type of male. But he wanted it, so it happened.

Me and Harry had been dating for about 6 months when me, Harry and my father were eating dinner. My dad finished his dinner quickly and rushed out giving Harry a quick wink and laughing as he walked out the door locking it behind him.

Later me and Harry went up to my bedroom where Harry locked the door behind us. Something we always used to do. However what was happening was completely unusual.

Harry pushed me back on the bed and tied me to the headboard. I kept asking what he was doing but he just kept shouting hitting me and hitting me. My dad came home and laughed when he saw me, 'good job styles' he said.

It was about 3 days later, when I was ready to give up hope, when I realised the rope was coming loose. I fiddled with it ever so slightly and knot came undone. Just as it came undone Harry burst into the room and I stayed perfectly still, looking like I was still tied to the board.

He gave me a drink of water and said he'd be back in a couple of hours. He locked the door and I heard him and his father pull off the driveway and I was up and packing my bag. I packed essentials like underwear, clothes, money that I had hidden(about £2,500)and a toothbrush. I had no idea where I was going, but I was getting away from this place.

I put on a pair of cheap trainers and jumped out of my bedroom window leaving my old life behind. I walked to the bus station that was about 40 minutes away from my house and got on the coach to London.

The coach stopped in many different places but when we came to a stop in Wiltshire I knew that I could have a life there. I got off the coach and searched for a few days for a flat to rent or buy(depending on the expense) and I met this girl. Her name is Zoe.

Me and Zoe were a very unlikely match. She was rich, beautiful and had everything. I was poor, ugly and had nothing. Yet she still liked me? We got to know each other and after 4 hours of sitting in a coffee shop talking she offered for me to stay with her. And that's exactly what I did.

By the time I turned 18 Zoe had helped me find my own apartment, enrolled me in university and got me a job. My life was stable. I met Niall and finally my life was okay. I had friends who were family and I was safe.

Until Harry came back...

*Authors Note*

Hope you enjoy! Hopefully another update coming tomorrow! Much love, liv X

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