Chapter 12- A Mistake

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Darcy's POV

Neither me or Joe have said a word this whole taxi ride. The guilt is eating me alive, and I have no idea why. Me and Joe aren't in a relationship, so why do I feel like I've cheated on him with my worst enemy?

Imagine if he'd heard everything that me and Harry said! Gosh, I don't think he'd set a foot near me.

I'm so lucky to have Joe though, and despite what Harry says, I've never felt this way about someone. I genuinely think I love him. Harry on the other hand, as much as I hate him and want to hurt him, there's still this slight tingling when he touches my hand, a few butterflies in my tummy and I know I shouldn't feel that way, but yet, I do.

"How much is that mate?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Joe asks the taxi driver how much the ride was.

"£7.50 please" the driver replies.

We say our thank you's and jump out of the car, walking up to the hotel doors.

"Alfie and Zoe said they'd meet up with us when we got here but Alfie's text me saying Zoe's asleep, so you have to enjoy my company instead" Joe teases, winking at me. I let out a small, fake, giggle turning my face away.

We get back to the hotel room and Joe immediately strips down to his boxers climbing in one of the two single beds in our room, and I take a seat on the edge of my bed.

"So, where did you wander off too?" Joe asks curiously.

"Oh.. Erm, I..I... I I was with Harry" I say with a sigh.

"Oh" is all Joe replies, his eyes looking at the floor.

"Where did you go?" He pushes.

"Um, just for a walk" I shift, uncomfortable in the position I'm in.

"You're lying" Joe whispers.

"W.. What?" I say in disbelief.

"You're lying." He repeats, more stern and lifting his head up to look me in the eyes. "Where were you?"

"I don't have to explai-" I get interrupted.

"Where were you Darcy? In the woods, making out with Harry? Or how about in a cupboard declaring your love for him? You're so naive! Can't you see he's using you to try and push away the guilt he feels? Or maybe he just wants a little minion, yano like the ones of despicable me, so he can just boss you around and do everything he wants? Darcy, he doesn't want you" Joe says in one huge breath.

His words bring tears to my eyes, reminding me of what Harry said about Joe. Who do I believe? They are both 100% the other doesn't want me, yet I doubt they are 100% sure that they want me for themselves. I don't know what to do.

"Don't talk to me like that" I manage to squeak.

"Is that all you are getting from what I just said Darce?" Joe fake laughs.

The anger begins to boil up inside of me at Joes comment. "Do not speak to me as if I am 4 years old! Just because you don't think Harry loves me doesn't mean it's true does it Joe? What if he's my soul mate? What if we were supposed to be together?" I shout.

Suddenly Joe is less than a foot away from me and is taking slow steps towards me.

"Well Darcy" Joe whispers seductively. "If that boy really loved you.." He grabs me a pushes me against the wall in between the two beds, my breath hitches in my throat as Joes once baby blue sparkly eyes, are a deep dark blue colour and their is a wicked smirk on his face. "Why isn't he here?" He says getting closer to my face, "why isn't he here? In this hotel room with you?" Well that's a good point actually, his lips less than a centimetre from mine. Oh how I want to kiss those perfect, plump, pink lips, but I have to resist, play hard to get. "But he's not here is he?" Joe carries on, "so that means we can have some fun" Joes voice has suddenly become very deep, his eyes still the same shade of incredibly dark blue and his face holding the same wicked smirk.

Before I know it his lips are on mine in an intense, passionate kiss. I'm being pressed against the wall so hard that my back starts to hurt but I ignore it, focusing on the kiss.

Joe breaks the kiss before saying "You have no idea how long I have waited to do that"


We are pulled apart due to a loud banging noise on the door. Joes features turn back to normal except instead of a smirk he has a shocked look on his face.

A loud voice shouts;


Me and Joe ignore the shouting as he goes to look who it is.


*Authors Note*

Hey guys! Hope everyone's okay! I've been pestered by my friend to update so I have! Hope you enjoy and I'm sorry for being a bitch and leaving it on a cliffhanger! If I get two votes I have another chapter waiting so who knows, there could possibly be another chapter tonight! Much love, liv X

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