1. The Rogue Chaos

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Currently on the planet Earth a war between two factions, The Desert Storm and The Tempest Rage is underway. The Tempest Rage made the surprise attack on the Desert Storm village where they were currently resting. The Desert Storm pilot sand colored tank like mobile suits for heavy infantry while the Tempest Rage pilot white colored light weight mobile suits for mobility.

"Dammit!! Where's our reinforcements?! The enemy is overwhelming us!!" D.S. soldier 1

"E.T.A. 10 minutes! We have no choice but to hold off until then!!" D.S. soldier 2

"We won't be able to hold up that long against their armor piercers! Dammit why now?!!" D.S. soldier 3

Over on the Tempest Storm side, they currently out number the Desert Storm mobile suits with their own. They also have a secret weapon mounted on the battlefield witch specializes in heavy metal piercing. A few of their mobile suits guard the weapon as it is operated by a couple of mobile suit pilots.

"Hahaha! This is like shooting fish in a barrel! To bad there ain't that much fish eh Captain Jones?!" T.R. soldier.

Captain Jones however kept silent.

"... Captain?" T.R. Soldier.

"Do you honestly find this amusing? Attacking an unprepared opponent is fun to you?" T.R. Captain Jones.

"Um.. No... I mean.." T.R. soldier.

"This is a poor testament to one's skill set. This is apart of war however, complaints won't matter here so I'll do the job that is required of me. Nothing more nothing less." T.R. Captain Jones.

"I... Had no idea you felt that way captain...." T.R. soldier.

Just then, the two are alerted by a couple of beeps from the radar.

"What is it?" T.R. Captain Jones

"Two objects are in range floating high above!" T.R. soldier.

"Pull it up!" T.R. Captain Jones.

The screen appears to show two very large cylinder block shaped carriers floating high above.

"What are those things?" T.R. Captain Jones says just before the radar goes off again.

"What now?!" T.R. Captain Jones.

"Two more objects are approaching the battlefield!" T.R. soldier says then pulls up the screen.

"Those are mobile suits but, I've never seen those models before... What are they?" T.R. Captain Jones.

"Attention all Desert Storm personnel!" Says a voice broadcasting on every frequency of both the Desert Storm and the Tempest Rage.

"What?!.. Who the hell is that?!" T.R. Captain Jones.

"Fall back to your village now and you will not be harmed! As for the Tempest Rage... Your preemptive assault has led to innocent lives at risk! Leave now! This is your only warning." The voice says.

"What the hell?" D.S. soldier 1

"Are those mobile suits our back up?" D.S. soldier 2

"Its got to be some kind of trick!! Don't let up!!" D.S. soldier 3

"Captain.. I feel like I've seen those mobile suits before.. I just can't put my finger on it...." T.R. soldier

"Remember later! Squads 1-5 keep your attack on the Desert Storm! Squads 6 and 7 maintain on standby! Squad 8 move to intercept those mobile suits! We'll collect the parts after we're finished!" T.R. Captain Jones.

"Yes sir!" The squads responded.

A small group of Tempest Rage soldiers that were at the rear of the entire squadrons break off and head to intercept the two oncoming mobile suits.

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