Chapter 1: Confession

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Tobin's POV

Today is the day that we're going back at camp. Well i'm exited of course, for seeing the women that always makes me happy.

Believe it or not, I have a big crush on my best friend, Alex. She seems so beautiful every time i saw her and that makes me froze.

Well speaking of Alex, i post a photo of me in a plane that has a caption of "Nearly there" and she comment a "Can't wait to see you ;)". I smile to the comment and i decided to put a heart on it.

After my plane landed i decided to get my luggage and find the team. After a good five minutes i already found the team with their suitcase and luggage i their hands.

"TOBIN!!!!" a familiar raspy voice said. she jump into my knees and hug me tight.
"Hey, Lex" i said while hugging her back. After a minutes we pull away from the hug and stare to each others eyes.

"I miss you a lot" she whisper
"I miss you too, Lex" i reply while trying to catch my breath

"TALEXX!!!!" a another familiar voice said, Kelley pull us in for another hug
"Shut it squirrel" Alex said,
"I love Talex but, O'solo is better" Kelley said while pulling out to the hug

 Alex look at me and said "Um..Talex isn't real, Kels. And.. uh... O'solo is real"
 "Then make it real" Kelley said winking at me. Alex shrug her shoulders and make her way to talk to Ali.

 "Damn, Tobin. Make a move" Kelley whisper to my ear
 "H...Ho...How??" i ask
 "Kiss her, confess it. Ugh.. It's your decision" she whisper a little loud

 "Kiss who?" Alex ask behind me, she's with Ali and Ash

 I look over to Ali and Ash and they both trying hard not to laugh. I look down and i feel my self blushing a little bit.

 "My mom" i lied and Ali and Ash begin to laugh really hard
 " What are you laughing at?" Alex ask to Ali and Ash and they both put their hands up and shook their head and said "NOTHING"

 "Hey Kelley, Babe come on" Hope said while walking toward to us
 "Um... i guess i gotta go" Kelley said while glaring to me that has a message of 'tell her'
 "By the way the bus i ready" Hope said and both of them walk away

I'm avoiding Alex contact but she seems to always got me.
 "What are you going to confess to your mom?" she ask me with confused tone
 "uh.. i guess we need to go because you know the bus i..." i said but she cut me off

 "Okay but we are going to have a words later and...uh... sit with me" she said while running to catch up with Hope and Kelley.

 After Alex walk away, Ash tap my shoulder and said "This is your chance, Don't miss it" Ali nodded and they both walk away. I follow them and like i promise, i sit next to Alex.

/~ 3 hours later ~/

 We already arrive at the hotel and i'm roomed with Alex. Well i don't know if i would be Happy or Nervous.

 When i'm heading to mine and Alex's room, i felt a hand that intertwined with mine, i looked up and saw that Alex held my hand. I smile and we continue to walk hand in hand.

 "Explain it Toby" she said when we reach our room, she let go of  my hand and lie down to her bed

 I take a deep breath and said "I lied" she look at me confused and sit next to me in my bed
"What do you mean?" she ask

 "Well, i don't really know how to say this but... Um... It's really not my mom" i said while looking down at my lap
 "Okay then.. Who is it? Who is the lucky guy that your going to kiss, or confess, or something?" She ask
 "It's not a guy, Alex....It's uh... It's... It's a girl" i said still looking down at my lap
 "Oh, i'm...I'm sorry a-about it, but who?" she said raising an eyebrow
 "I will said it to you but promise me that you will not going to hate me" i said and she nod, i pull her in for a hug and kiss her forehead.
 "It's you, Alex" i said and i started to go run outside, i click the up button to the elevator and when it open i go inside and click the R ( means "Rooftop" ). When the elevator reach the top, it quickly open and of course i go outside, i go to the edge of the rooftop and calm myself down.

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