Chapter 6: Visiting Diamond Bar

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Tobin's POV

Like I said, 7 days felt like 7 years and I've decided to take a 4 days vacation in New Jersey before flaying to California to see Alex.

I got Alex's address to Press and I owe her a lot for doing that.

I'm now outside of the house that the cab driver drop me and I'm sure that is the house that Christen's discussing.

I put a smile on my face before entering the gate of the house. I knock on the big wooden door and after a minute a young lady open it.

"Good Afternoon, I just want to ask if this is Alex Morgan's house", I calmly ask while smiling

She look at me from my shoes then back to my face, she smile "Well yes, this is her house... Please Come in", she said while opening the door more wider for me to get in.

I gladly come in and take a sit on the couch while waiting for the lady to show up again.

After a few minutes the girl enter the room again but this time, she's with an another lady and Alex's parents.

They all have a big smile on their face and they take a sit on the remaining vacant couch.

"Tobin Heath, right", Her dad said

I smile, "Yes sir".

Her mom clear her throat, "Are we here to talk about the wedding?" Her mom, Pam said.

I saw the two ladies giggle, "Mom, just a blessing but soon to be", the younger lady said

Pam just laugh while nodding and mouthing 'Oh, right'. I smile

"For you Tobin, I will give my blessing to you", Her dad said

My smile grew wider, "Thank you, sir", I reply

"I will give mine to yours too", Pam said

"Thank you, ma'am", I said

The two ladies look at each other and grin, "I don't really know if you need our blessing", the younger said and the older tap the shoulder of the younger, "Our blessings is all yours, Tobin", The older said

I grin and can't help but to feel bless to their support for my relationship with their daughter/sister.

"Oh and about your sir thing... Just call me dad and mom to my lovely wife", Alex's dad said and I saw Pam blushing.

I smile, "Yes, dad... Thank you again for the bles-", I was about to finish my sentence but a familiar raspy voice cut me off.

"Thank you for what?", Alex said entering the room and heading to my direction to give me a peck on my cheek.

"For letting me to visit you...", I said and they all nod.

Suddenly we heard a camera flash and our head turn to the younger lady who's carrying a camera.

"Jeri?! Delete that!", Alex said

But the young lady just put her tongue out, "Never in the million years... You guys look perfect and cute at the same time", she said and I saw Alex blushing a little bit

I gently peck her forehead to make her calm and in my shock she calm down.

The younger girl come close to me and put her hand out, "I'm Jeri Morgan, by the way", The younger girl said

I smile and shake her hand, "Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you", I said and Jeri smile.

"Well I'm Jennifer but you can call me Jeni", the older lady said and I smile at her.

After a few moment, Alex invite me to see her bedroom and its my pleasure to be invited.

And when we enter her room, all I can see is her picture when she was a kid and a few pictures of Elvis Presley.

I smile when I saw a picture of us hanging on the wall.

"Looks like someone is really craving for the nutmeg queen's image here", I tease while smirking

She laugh and tap my shoulder, "Don't tell me that you don't have any picture of me hanging in your bedroom", she said while pointing her index finger to my lips.

I smirk and crash her lips with mine, she kiss me back and we continue to kiss passionately.

I peck her lips one last time before pulling out to the kiss, "I do have 3 pictures of you, Mine", I said and her eyes went wide

"You have 3 pictures of me and I have 4 pictures of you! That's not fair, mine", she said while pouting

I chuckle, "3 means I love you, still mad?", I said

She smile and shook her head 'no',"And 4 means I love you too, make sense now?", she said smirking

I furrowed my eyebrows and playfully pout my lips, "You know we can continue what we started a few minutes ago", I said while pointing to my little pout

She smile and connect her lips with mine.

Butterflies are still going crazy around my stomach and a little touch of her hand down to my abs can bring goosebumps all over my body.

I never regret everything and I'm thankful that I've got a chance to be with her, to be with my girlfriend and I'm more than ready to be with her till my last breath to this world.

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