Chapter 3: Date

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Tobin's POV

As usual, i woke up first before Alex.

I gently get up and sat on the sofa, i text hope to inform her that today is the date.

Me: hey hope! Today is the day, remember?
Hope: I know, Tobin. Its all perfect and Kelley help us by the way
Me: Thank you hope. I really want this day to be perfect
Hope: Well, your always welcome. And make it perfect before you sleep ;) you know what i mean.
Me: We will but not naughty as both of you :D
Hope: Shut up! I gotta go Kelley is awake

I smile like an idiot for a moment until i saw Alex standing in front of me.

"Hey baby, good morning" she said, her voice was more raspier than usual.

"Good morning to you too" i reply, she sat next to me and look at me in confusion

"Who are you texting with?" She said while raising her both eyebrows.

I chuckle and said "Nobody, literally nobody"

"Who's nobody?" She ask more confused "Is it a girl? Or so..."

'This will be a good game' i said to my self

"Ye.. Er... Tomboy" i mumble, this time she looks jealous.

"Then, who is it?" she ask rising her one eyebrow

"Nobody" i said, she deeply inhale and said "I swear to you if i really caught you cheating on me"

This time i'm really trying hard not to laugh "What will you do?" I said, i bite my lips

"We will up?" she said

I laugh really hard and she look at me in confused.

"What are you laughing at? I'm serious, Tobin" she said

"Baby, i'm texting with hope" i said

She look down to her feet and said "Oh" i get her one hand and intertwine them with mine.

"You know what? You look perfect when your jealous and now... Flustered?" I said she smack my shoulder and i gently kiss her with passion, the kiss was slow but perfect suddenly she pull away and we cuddle for a moment.

*skip to date*

Every time goes by the nervous in my body increases. And now its finally time to pick Alex up to our room.

I knock on the door, hoping that she's ready to go. And when it open, i think i saw the girl who i will love for the rest of my life.

"Hey Mine" she said
"You look stunning" i said, she smile and mumbled "thank you"

I get her hand and gently kiss it, she smile and peck my cheeks. I guide her way to the elevator and when it open, revealing Jill.

"Where do you think your going?" Jill ask while raising her both eyebrows

"O...uh... Date" I said while looking down.

"Without any permission, huh?" Jill said

"We're very sorry about that" Alex said

Suddenly Jill laugh and said "Just kidding, just kidding! Enjoy your date"

'Woah! That was close' i said to my self

"Thank you" Alex said

Jill get out of the elevator and make her way to Abby's room.

We get in and i press the 'R' button.

"I thought we're dead" Alex whisper under her breath, I laugh and said "Me too, baby. Me too"

The elevator dings open, revealing a very beautiful rooftop.

Roses petals on the floor and a small blanket with a picnic basket on top.

I felt a familiar arm on my shoulder, i turn around to hug her back but she press her lips to mine, the kiss get heated easily but i pull away.

"We got a date to do" i said, she smile and peck my lips for the last time.

I guide her to the blanket and we both sat down.

"Do you want strawberries?" I ask
"Of course, i do" she said

I get the strawberries and the Nutella to the basket and dip the strawberry to the nutella.

"Open your mouth" i said, she open her mouth and i feed her the strawberry.

"Its so good" she said, i smile and lean in for a kiss.

The kiss was full of passion, i can taste the strawberry to her lips.

She pull away and said "I love you, Tobin" i smile and said "I love you too, Alex"

"Okay ready to star gauze?" I ask, she smile and nod excitedly.

We both lay down and cuddle to the blanket. We talk about a lot of stuff until...

"I want to come out" Alex said
"You want what?" I ask, she look at me and said "I'm serious, I want to come out"

I was shock from what she said, i just look up and trace some stars until the word come out to my mouth.

"If you want, we can come out right now" i said, she look at me and said "but what about the games... They will focused on us"

I shrug and said "Then lets come out after the games" she nod and cuddle close to me

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