Chapter 7: Dinner With Krashlyn

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Tobin's POV

Its been 5 months since the last time I saw Ali and Ash.

Their wedding is next week and I can't wait to see my best friends' wedding day.

I still have a strong relationship with Alex. Well, speaking of Alex.... She's getting ready for a dinner party with Ali and Ash.

"Mine!!! Are you already done???", I said

"Yep, I'm done... Oh, wait I mess up with my lipstick again", she said

I groan and lay down to our bed again.

Suddenly a very beautiful woman appear on the door of the bathroom, my jaw drop.

My waiting is worth it... Perfect curls, red lips, light eye-shadow and light eyeliner.

"Do I look good?", she ask while turning around

My jaw drop lower when I saw her butt... Oh god, that thing kills me.

"You look perfect", I reply and try to kiss her but she dodge.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I want those lips but my lipstick will mess up", She said while pointing to my lips.

I just nod while smiling and gently kiss her left hand before getting out in our apartment.


After a few minutes of driving, we finally reach the restaurant that ash's talking about.

Well, she's right because the soft sand of the beach is perfectly fit with the brown tables and chairs that's place near the sea water.

"God, its really beautiful", I heard Alex whisper

I laugh and intertwined my fingers with hers, "Your more beautiful, Mine", I said in flirtatious tone

She blush as red as tomatoes, Suddenly I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

And when I look behind me, I saw Kelley and Hope waving at us, I smile and Alex hug Kelley.

"Please excuse us, I just want to have a small talk with Tobin", Hope said while dragging me inside the restaurant

I saw Ash and she laugh at me, "Inside the room, please", Ash said heading to a private room

And when the three of us enter, Hope make me sit in the small couch and he both of them sit opposite to mine.

"Why you didn't tell us?", Hope ask coldly

I furrowed my eyebrows and look at them confused, I never kept a secret to them... Well, except if i really need to.

"Tell you what?", i innocently ask

"That your planning to marry Alex", Ash quickly said

My jaw drop, i forgot about that.... But i'm still looking forward to marry her, as soon as possible.

"How did you know? I mean, I never told anybody", I said and they both laugh bitterly

Hope roll her eyes before putting out a small black box, "Except Cheney, right", She said while throwing the black box to me "She said that there's a note inside and don't worry i didn't read it".

I nod and gently open the box, A white paper pop up to the box and I remove it to saw the most beautiful ring I've ever seen in my life.

There's a little diamond in the middle of the ring and the silver edges of the diamond make my breath hitch for a second.

"Its so beautiful", I'm amazed how good Cheney can pick a ring for a girl like Alex.

"Can I see it?", Ash beg and i put the ring inside the box and hand the box to ash

I get the note and quietly read it:

To my most beloved best friend, I want to say congratulations in advance... I'm such a proud mother for my beautiful/handsome daughter, Lol. I hope your proposal went perfect, and the wedding... I'm looking forward to be your designer, Good luck Tobito!! I will always love you!!

- Cheney

I smile like an idiot while reading Cheney's letter and I'm sure that if she's here, she will be such a supportive more than a mom can do.

"Its dramatic, right?", Ash said while smirking and i heard Hope chuckle

I roll my eyes, "Nope, not like the last time", I said and they laugh.

Well, Cheney is a dramatic person when it comes to wring a letter for the person that's really important to her.

Suddenly a knock interrupt our conversation, we all look to the door and saw Alex, Kelley and Ali smiling at us.

"What's up?", Ali said

I'm about to response but Kelley cut me off, "I'm sure that its not necessarily", she said

I saw Hope and Ash nodding.

"What's that?", Alex ask pointing to my hand

I look down to my hand and saw Cheney's letter.

"N-nothing.... D-don't worry a-about it", I said

Her eyebrow furrowed and walk to my direction, I quickly crumple the letter and throw it in ash's direction.

"Woah! Woah! Wait! What?!", Alex said when she saw my reaction.

I'm afraid that my proposal will be fail and early at the same time, i want it to be special and be in the right time.

"Are you hiding something to me?", Alex furiously ask
"I'm not hiding something", I reply

She raise her both eyebrow, "Really? Then, why am i not allowed to see that paper?". She said

I look at ash and she clear her throat while heading to my direction.

"Propose to her, right now", Ash whisper in my ear

I nod while getting the black box in ash's hand, I kneel down and Alex's eyes widen.

I also hear Kelley and Ali's cheer while Hope is rolling her eyes while smiling.

"Maybe I'm in the wrong timing but.... You really put me down this day", I said which make her laugh while tears are rolling in her eyes.

"I remember the day that i confessed to you, the day that i got you being my girlfriend, the day that i said that i'm going to marry you someday, its all just a dream before but now.... I'm right here, kneeling down to have your decision if you want to marry, Alex.... Alexandra Patricia Morgan, will you marry me?", I open the black box and she cover her mouth.

"Yes, Tobin... I do want to marry you", Alex said while helping to get up.

I grab her waist and kiss her passionately.... Its more passionate than our kisses when we're not yet engage.

I pull away and grab her left hand, i slip the ring on her ring finger and kiss it before letting her hand go.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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