Chapter 4: Coming Out

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Tobin's POV

~\ skip to finals \~

Today is the finals in SheBelieves and we're against England. Well i'm pretty nervous about the game but more nervous about coming out.

"Good Morning, Mine" i heard a very familiar raspy voice

I turn around and kiss her forehead and said 'Good Morning' to her

"Your nervous?" She ask, i simply nod my head and peck her lips.

When she was about to speak we heard a loud noise outside our room, so instead she just smile and make her way to the door, i follow her.

"Get off of me!" Kling said to Moe
"No!! Your going to pay" she said while attacking Kling

We just stood there while glaring at them.

"Morning Talex" Kelley said, which caught our attention
"Hey! Morning" Alex reply

I was about to say something, when someone crash into me which made me fall.

"Sorry tobs, but can i talk to you?" It was Ash.

I look at Alex and she just smile and nod.

"Great. Come over" ash said while helping me to get up

She led me to her and Ali's room.

"Okay, Ali was in the bathroom and i want you to be quiet" ash said
"Okay..." I said awkwardly

She roll her eyes and make her way to her bag, i was shocked when she pull a black box.

"Oh..My..God" i whisper
"I will propose to Ali, later" she said, while handing me the big black box.
"May i see the ring?" I ask, she nod

And when i open the box, i was so beautiful and i know that Ali's gonna love it.

"How much did it cost?" I ask her
"Pretty big, i can't tell you" she reply, i nod in understanding

I return the box to her and she just kept it in her pocket.

I was about to say something when Ali get out of the bathroom.

"Hey babe" ash said while making her way to Ali
"Hey" Ali reply and when she saw me "Oh and hey Tobs" she said

I greet back and made our way down to the dinning hall.

I spot Alex talking to Kelley and JJ, i smile when she saw me.

"Hey Toby!!!" A familiar voice said

I turn around to look who was it.

"Hey Chain dog" i reply, she smack my shoulder and said "Don't call me that"

I chuckle and said "Okay, I'm sorry" i glare at Alex one last time and turn my full attention to Cheney.

"You really love her, huh" Cheney said smirking
"A lot, i can't explain it" Tobin said
"You heard about promise ring?" She said

I think about it, and an idea pop in my head.

"Can you help me?" I ask Cheney

I tell her my whole plan for our upcoming monthsary.


We already arrive at the field, we head straight to the locker room.

I was about to go to the bathroom, when i felt a very familiar warm arms wrap in my waist.

"I love you" She whisper in my ear
"I love you too, lex" i said

She turn me around and said "So the plan is... You will kiss me right?" I nod and give my killer smile

"Aw! Don't do that" she said smacking my shoulder, i smile and peck her cheeks

After a few hours, the game finally start.

The first 45 minutes nothing happen but then, JJ get the ball to the forward and pass it to Carli, carli found me and pass the ball to me, i Nutmeg some defenders and i found Alex, i pass it to her making sure that it was perfect serve, she got it and Nutmeg the keeper she kick the ball and it was a sure goal.

She run into me and hug me tightly then she kiss me, i was shock but then i kiss her back. The crowds cheer so loud when the camera turn to us, i feel her smile from the kiss and finally we pull away to celebrate with others.

And soon the game end the score is 0-1 we won the SheBelieves Cup.

The celebration in the locker room was pretty great, i'm about to go to the bus but one of the reporter tap my shoulder and of course i know what she will ask.

"We're dating for almost 2 months and our relationship was getting stronger than we both expect", I nervously said

"Who confess first?" My eyes went wide and chuckle a bit

"Its me, we're roommates in that time and i don't know what really to say after i confess so i ran all the way to the rooftop and chill myself down" I truthfully said, i saw Alex walking with Kelley and Hope

She wink at me and join the interview, well an interview with your girlfriend is always the best, right!

"Thank you again Tobin and Alex, and we hope that we'll invited to the wedding" I can feel my heart palpitate, i guess she's really the one

"We will" i said, Alex grin and intertwine her fingers with mine

After that interview we both get in in the bus and just cuddle to the whole ride


I finished to packed my things up and now, i'm helping Alex to pack her things.

"Do we really need to go?" I ask her

She look at me with a sadness in her eyes and nod "Baby, we have to and its only a week" her voice is calmer this time

"7 days without you feels like 7 years" i groan and lie down to her bed

She giggle and lie down next to me "You know your cute, right", i put my arms around her shoulder

"Everyone says that", i wink at her, she crush her lips to mine

As usual her lips taste like strawberry maybe it was her lip balm or its really natural.

She pull away and stand in front of me she grab my both hands and pull me up.

"I thought your gonna help me to pack up" she complain, i pout my lips asking for another kiss

She cross her arms and put her tongue out playfully "You wish i will allow you", i try to catch her with my arms but she duck perfectly "You wish, Tobito" she repeated

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