Chapter 2: Voice Record

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Tobin's POV

I woke up 6:30 in the morning and i saw Alex's sleepy head so, i decided to take a picture of her while sleeping. I  just stare at her for about a minutes when her piercing blue eyes open.

"Good Morning, Mine" she whisper
"Good Morning, Beautiful" i said while leaning in for a kiss which she gladly accept.

 We just cuddle for about a 15 minutes until a question rush in my mind.

 "Mine?" i said
 "Yes?" she reply while reaching for my lips

 "Do you think that our parents will agree to our relationship?" I ask, she look at me seriously and said "Do you want us to tell them today?" I look at her and nod. She reach for her phone and she dialed the number of her mom.

 "Hey momma, uh...... I'm good, you?....I have to tell you something... I'm dating someone.. No, no it's a girl....It's Tobin...what? you serious? guys sucks....yeah, bye... I love you too" she said in her phone.

 "What did they said?" I ask nervously, she interlace our fingers and smile at me
 "They are pretty happy, actually they're betting about it " she said, i peck her in lips and i get my phone and dialed my mom.

 "Hey mom" i greet

 "Hey Tobito, it's there something wrong" she said
 "There's nothing wrong but, i'm going to tell you something" i said 
 "You're dating someone and that is Alex, am i right" she ask 
 "How'd you know?"
 "I don't know but, i'm happy for both of you and... bring her to aisle"
 "I will and thank you"
 "Yeah, bye and i love you" she said
 "Bye, love you too"

 Alex look at me and said "What did your mom said?" I kiss her and i can feel that she smile from the kiss "They're happy for both of us and....uh, no more" I said trying not to mention the 'bring her to aisle'

 "Well, i guess that they really love the talex" Alex said while putting my arm around her shoulder and interlacing our fingers
 "Yes, and now the talex is the best" i reply while kissing her head

  After a couple of minutes i check the time in my phone and i realize that its already 7:30

"Come on breakfast on 8 sharp and it's 7:30" i said
"But i want to cuddle with you" she reply while cuddling closer to me
"We gotta go, Mine" i said
"Fine" she said and go straight ahead to the bathroom

After we take a bath and change for a clean clothes. We go to the dinning hall but this time my arms are around her shoulders.

"Hey Kels" i said winking
"Hey Tobs" she said smirking
"How was your night?" I ask while trying hard not to laugh
"Um... Perfect" she said while blushing really hard
"Do you want to confess something?" I ask while raising an eyebrow
"The real question is, do you want to confess something?" She said
"I will confess mine if you confess yours" i challenge and she accept it

"Okay on Three" Alex said

"Me and Alex are dating" I said
"Me and Hope have sex last night" Kelley said

We both look at each other and, me and Alex laugh really hard. Kelley glare at me and said "What are you laughing at?"

"Because your so loud last night" Alex said
"Yeah, i record it and your so busted" I said
"Really, then... Prove it" Kelley said with a brave tone in her voice

I play the voice record....

"KELLEY! HARDER PLEASE!" a familiar goalie voice said
"OH GOD! YOUR SO GOOD!" The goalie said
"YOU TASTE AMAZING!" A familiar defender voice said

Suddenly the record was stopped and Kelley's jaw dropped from what she heard.

"Maybe not to naughty, babe" Hope said while chuckling
"That's your voice so, shut up" Kelley said

"Wait.... Hope, can i talk to you?" I ask and hope nod

Alex and Kelley decided to get their food while me and Hope are talking.

We sat on the table that is near to the corner.

"What's up?" She ask
"Can you help me to prepare a date tomorrow night?" I said, she look at me, smiling and said "Well... That's perfect, where?"
"Rooftop" i reply, she stare to Kelley for a second and look back at me and said "Hmm... I have a great idea"

After a good 15 minutes of talking, me and hope has a great idea for my date tomorrow night.

I go to the table where Alex and Kelley sitting, i hug Alex and gently kissing her neck.

"Okay, gross" Kelley said which caught our attention so we pull away

"When are you going to public?" Kelley ask while raising an eyebrow
"If were ready, i think" i said
"Later we will going to say to the team and maybe before the NWSL to the public" Alex said

I look at her and she smack her lips to my jawline, i smile and interlace our fingers.

After we finish eating, we go to our room and change to our training gear.

"Mine, Why do you want to talk to hope a while ago?" Alex said
"Um... Just asking a question, why?" I reply
"Nothing" she said while tracing some kisses in my neck

After practice me and Alex decided to tell the team in dinner so, we have 1 hour before dinner.

1 hour went so fast and it's time for dinner. Alex and i go to dinning hall hand in hand.

"Woah! This is new, isn't it?" Christen ask while putting her arm around JJ's shoulder

"Yup, it is" Alex reply winking and Christen smile.

A couple of minutes after, Kelley stand in the table and said "OKAY! ATTENTION EVERYBODY! WE HAVE A VERY GOOD NEWS!" Everybody cheer and some are saying 'Shoot'

I stand up in my table and said "OKAY! SO... ME AND ALEX ARE DATING" Alex squeeze my hand while some of our teammates are claiming their money from their bet.

"Ugh... Both of you going to look good" Ali said
"Thank you" Alex said while hugging Ali

I continue eating my dinner while stealing some glare to my girlfriend.

And soon the dinner is over, Alex and i are already in our room.

"Um.. Lex?" I said, she look at me and said "Yes?"
"Can i ask you something?" I reply, she chuckle
"Your already asking but, what it is?" She said while sitting in my lap
"Can i take you on a date tomorrow?" I ask
"Of course, baby girl" she said
I kiss her cheeks and said "You know i'm older than you, right" i smirk
"I don't care" she said while standing up to my lap.

I push her down to her bed and start tickling.
"Enough... Enough" she beg and i stop
"Okay... I need air" she said and i laugh a little
"Now, you know who's the boss" i said winking at her

She switch our position so, she's on top of me.

"I'm the boss" she said, she kiss my jawline then slowly going down to my neck she suck hard to my neck and i'm sure that it will leave some hickey to it, i moan a little when she suck my neck harder and i can feel her smile against to my skin.

Suddenly she stop and lie down next to me
"Good night, Mine" she said while cuddling to me
"Good night, Tease Boss" i said, i kiss her head and she cuddle closer to me.

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