Chapter 25: I Am Number Four

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Raven stood in the doorway of the farm, staring out at the endless green fields that surrounded her. The notebook she kept was getting quite full as her studies of flowers continued. It wouldn't be long before she had completed her time here and she would return to the capital.

But she didn't want to. No part of her wanted to leave anymore. She really loved Aunt Shauna and working on the farm. There was a lot of work to be completed but it was so rewarding to see the elderly lady smile at a job well done. Plus, she felt a little obligated to wait here for the return of the siblings. Gretta was just so much fun to talk to and with Grimsley, well, she couldn't quite place why but she seemed to like being around him, for the small time they had been together. Something about him just made her happy for some reason.

A wind blew through Easley and brushed along her dress. A slight hint of a chill to it but nothing unbearable. This really was a beautiful place, so untouched by most of mankind and yet the perfect haven for humans. She loved it here as she waited for the day Grimsley would return from the war...

* * * * *

Grimsley was within the safety of Narrius now. His tank had been taken away to a factory for repairs after it had gone through that crash and he was being taken aside for debriefing on the experience. He didn't have much to tell them though. He was on the ship, it exploded, it crashed. What more could they want?

The youthful soldier was led into a small chamber and bright lights were ignited all around the room, nearly blinding him. Regaining his vision (and balance), he was offered a chair by a stoic-looking officer. He took it graciously but realized a bit too late that there was no table for him to pull into. The room was otherwise empty.

A booming voice echoed over a speaker. Somewhere was a general or group of them who had decided to interrogate Grimsley. "So tell us Private Grimsley, exactly how did you get your hands on such a piece of equipment as that tank you drive?"

"Oh well it was always sitting in my barn until my sister Gretta fixed it."

There was a blank pause from the voice that stretched on for an awkward amount of time and Grimsley began to wonder if he had somehow answered incorrectly. "I'm sorry; it was in your barn?"


"And your sister fixed it?"


"And how old is she?"

"About fifteen. Pretty certain she is." The pause returned again and Grimsley pictured the group staring at each other. Then he heard some whispers exchanged but he couldn't make them out.

"Right well we're going to have to dismiss you for now Grimsley, to go undertake some psychological screening while we verify your story with your recruiting office. You're positive you didn't take the tank during the crash?"

"Yes, I was sitting in it. If I hadn't been I would've died." Grimsley was released and the officer behind him let him go, a look of confusion plastered on the soldier's face after having heard the exchange. Once outside the room, Grimsley was left to wonder as to exactly what he was meant to do now. Everybody seemed to be struggling to comprehend the idea behind his life story but for him it was perfectly normal. That's how it had always been in his house.

A young man came dashing up to him in a lab coat and stopped in front of Grimsley, huffing and puffing as he recovered from the sprint. "'re Grimsley right?"


"Good, I need you to come with me to the medical ward. You're scheduled for psychological testing." Grimsley sighed at the idea of having to go through all of this to fight in the war. But he was struck with a peculiar vision of Raven standing in the doorway of his home, waiting for his return and his confidence was renewed. And then he started imagining the flowers raining down around her...

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