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March 31, 2016


I instantly popped up at the sound of my phone going off, hoping it was August.

I glanced over at my phone screen to see that it was only a call from Li, sighing, I hit the decline button and tucked my head even further into my pillow.

It's been a month since August talked to me.

He never 'broke up' with me, never left me a message, never even explained why he was leaving.

I blew up his phone everyday, sending him texts, and leaving hundreds of messages, but he never replied. Hell, he never even read them. It was like he was a complete ghost.

I even tried hitting up Lucas, and Chris, but none of them responded to me either. And none of them have texted Destiny or Li.

Three months ago when August visited me, we hit it off.

I decided to just let the past be the past, and move on. We became as close as we were before, but instead of phone calls, he FaceTime me as well.

Everything was perfect.

Until last month.

And it's crazy because I don't know if he's ignoring me, or if something really happened to him, that's the bad part about long distance relationships. I have no way in getting in contact with him, or knowing if something bad happened.

I just prayed for the best.


My phone went off all over again, sighing I picked it up and slid to answer, already knowing who it was.

"What, Li?"

"Have you been crying? Why do you sound like that?" Li asked.

I slightly rolled my eyes, allowing the tears to stain my cheeks, as I lightly sniffled.

"Why does it matter if I've been crying? Just tell me what you want." I didn't mean to sound harsh, I was just done with all the bullshit that's been pushed my way.

How dare he beg for my forgiveness, just to turn around and go ghost on me?

"Of course it matters, Trae! And I know you're crying because of August. You can't just assume he's ignoring you, something coul-"

"Then why hasn't Chris or lucas told us anything? Explain that." I retorted, while lightly huffing.

"I-I don't know," I could tell she was upset from Chris disappearing on her, but she was much better at hiding her emotions than I was. "But I know what we should do!" She added on a minute later, fake glee filling her voice.

"What?" I sighed.

"Spring breaks coming up, we should go to Florida! Maybe we'll run in-"

"Really Li? We'll run into them in Florida? Where everyone's gonna be going for break? I doubt we'll see them." I stated.

"You gotta have hope Trae, damn. But yeah, me, you, Destiny.. it'll be fun! C'monnnnn." Li pleaded.

I gnawed on my inner cheek while sighing.


"Yesss road trip part. 2!" Li sung with glee as I hung up on her.

He had some serious explaining to do.

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