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Traeh POV

"Wait.. so you're saying he hasn't hit you up?" Trin asked while taking a sip of her imaginary tea.

I slightly nudged her, as I fought the tears that attempted to stream down the sides of my cheeks.

"Yeah, it's been a month, trin. I just don't know what to do, I came down here for answers, and now that I'm here, I'm too scared to find out the truth." I admitted while looking down.

She pulled me in slowly while rubbing my back soothingly. "Don't worry, trae, everything's gonna be okay." Trin whispered into my ear while pulling back.

I let out a dry chuckle while looking up, "if that was true I wouldn't be here, because he wouldn't have ignored me for a whole fucking month." I didn't even bother to wipe the stray tears as I got up, instantly heading towards her doors.

"Trae! Wait up!" Trin yelled after me but I didn't bother stopping, I just needed to be alone.

If anything happened to August I honestly don't think I would know how to react, I couldn't bare finding out something bad happened to my baby.

I found myself inside of the bathroom, quickly locking the door, I walked over to the shower curtain, pulling back, I turned the nasal allowing the water to warm up. I striped of my clothes, pulling the rubber band off my wrist I pulled my hair up into one big bun.

After a minute or so, I stepped into the shower. Instantly letting out a sigh of relief as the hot water oozed down my bare back. I closed my eyes, allowing fresh tears to stream down my face as I thought back on the text Anthony sent me.

I said a quick prayer to myself as I opened up my eyes. Wiping the tears away from my face I continued to wash up.

After about forty or so minutes, I hopped out the shower. Grabbing a towel from the rack, I wrapped it around my body tightly, tucking the top piece inside, I gathered my clothes and walked over to the guest room.

I cursed myself in my head, seeing Li sit on my bed with her arms crossed.

"What the fuck, Trae." Li said while hopping out of the bed.

"What was that back there?" Li questioned, while furrowing her brows.

"I'm sorry, I just get so emotional when it comes to August. I'm scared, Li." I admitted while holding back my tears.

"I get it, Trae. I miss Chris," I watched Li's grip onto the table, letting out a quick cough before continuing. "But on the bright side, we find out the truth tomorrow. Good or bad, at least we'll know the truth, right?" Li spoke sincerely as she pulled me in for a hug.

I shook my head yes, as I pulled back.

"I'll let you change," Li let out a low chuckle. "Behave, Li." I warned as I watched her slowly turn around.  "I know you don't like trin, but she's my cousin. Plus she's been nothing but nice to you."

"I just don't like her vibe.. something's off about her. I may not know what it is, but trust me, I'll find out!" Li admitted while shutting the door behind her.

Later on that evening.

Aaliyah's POV

"Soo, Trinity, do you know who August is?" I asked while crossing my arms across my chest.

"Of course girl, who doesn't? His fine, southern ass." Trinity admitted while bitting down onto her bottom lip.

I watched trae choke on her ice cream, clearly taken back my trinity's response.

Trinity let out a low cough as she reopened her mouth to speak. "I mean, it's not like we were friends or anything. Everyone's knows August, Chris, and Lucas. They run the school at THS, on top of there looks, there the best players at basketball, in pretty sure the whole town knows who they are." Trinity said while taking a sip of her drink.

"Interesting." I responded while glancing over at Destiny.

This bitch must think I'm dumb.

I don't care what Traeh says, I don't trust her. Her whole persona seems.. fake. It's like she's not even letting us know everything she knows, she thinks she can just fake a smile and act as if she's all buddy buddy with us, bitch must think I'm boo boo the fool.

"So you've never been in a relationship with any of the three?" I asked while watching her whole body tense up. I was clearly touching on sensitive subject.

"Who me? Nah. They're not really my type, what's with all the questions, Li?" Trinity asked while furrowing her brows.

"It's Aliyah, but no reason. Just wondering." I let out a fake smile while shaking my head.

"Sooo, any guy's been in your life lately?" Trae asked, clearly trying to change the subject.

"Uh.. one. We're just on talking terms but, he makes me happy. Let me not say too much, I don't wanna jinx myself." She let out a low laugh glancing over at her flashing phone screen.

"That's him calling now, I gotta take this. Ima stay up in my room for the rest of the night since it's getting so late, don't worry, I'm still on for tomorrow, you'll have my moral support, trae." She let out one last smile before answering her call, jogging up the steps.

Trae hit me with the pillow.

"What was all that, Li? I thought I said to behave." Trae said while sighing, dramatically.

"Calm down, I was being friendly. Friends ask questions, right? Right." I stated.

"Yeah whatever, destiny, wasn't she doing the most?" Traeh asked while glancing over at Destiny.

"Ima have to agree with Li on this, she's lowkey sketchy, what was all that 'he's a fine ass southerner' shit she was talking?" Destiny stated.

"I'm saying." I added on.

"It's not that deep, y'all are too much, I'm going to bed." Traeh said while getting up.

"Traeh!" I said while sighing.

"I'm not mad y'all, just tired and anxious for tomorrow. I'll see y'all in the morning." Trae said while walking up the stairs.

I glanced over at Destiny and sighed, we decided on going to bed since everyone else decided on ditching us.

Here's to the inevitable?

Hey, kind of short I know, thoughts?💓

My phone was in the shop all week😩, so I'm sorry for this late ass update.

Hope y'all enjoy.💓


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