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  Treah POV

I laid in my bed, completely still, allowing my thoughts to roam wild while staring at nothing in particular. Today was the day I found out what exactly happened today my lover and bestfriend, August. I was overwhelmed with fear and excitement. Was August dead? Did something happen to him? Is he just plain out ignoring me? It was like the same three questions were on a recorded tape, and the repeat button was jammed tight on the radio.

"Traeh? You up yet?" I heard Aliyah ask on the other side of the door. Using about every ounce in me, I managed to sit up and yell back "yeah, ill be out in a second."

I forced myself out of bed and out of my room, I went straight down the hall to the bathroom, and did my daily hygiene routine. After that was done I sprayed some water mixed with coconut oil into my hair, and pulled my thick curly hair into a loose pineapple. I laid down my edges with hicks edge control, and wrapped around a silk scarf around my head for extra stability.

I then, sluggishly, walked back into my room and threw on a fitted floral print romper, and some basic black sandals. About 10 minutes has gone by, so I removed my scarf. I decided against putting on any makeup, and just threw on some clear lipgloss. I walked down to destiny and li's room to see them fully dressed, conversing about lord knows what.

Even though my main focus was on August, I hadn't forgot that they needed answers as well. Lucas and Chris had also gone missing, im not quiet sure on how hard they attempted to find them, but them not texting them was good enough to m know that they were either missing or ignoring them.

"How you feeling?" Destiny asked while walking up to me, placing a sympathetic hand on my shoulder to suggest that she cares, which she does. "Like shit to be honest, so many emotions are running through my head, everything is just so surreal. What if he.. what if he's really hurt?" I could hear myself choking up on my own words. "I couldn't bare finding anything like that out." I admitted while fighting back the tears that threatened to spill.

"It's gonna be okay, treah. Good or bad, we have to find out the truth. It's not good to carry such a heavy burden on your chest, but, are you sure you're ready to find out now? We can always wait." Destiny suggested while pulling me in for a hug.

"No, I'm ready. It's now or never." I attempted to sound confident, but I know they could tell it was a bunch of bs. "Okay..let's go." Li suggested while standing up. "Wait, I'm gonna go check on trin, she said she was gonna come." Before I could even walk out the room, Destiny pulled me back. "she's not here, she left before we even woke up, maybe she forgot?" Destiny suggested.


I decided to not even dig too deep into where she was, she knew today was important to me and still decided on leaving. I'm not gonna force her or anyone else to show support for me.

"I know how badly you wanted Trinity to come, so I'm not even gonna say what I wanna say right now." Destiny said while quickly shutting her lips tight, but I already knew what she was gone say. I told you so. And I guess in this situation, she was right.

"Let's just go."

I looked down at my phone that read 12:05 p.m, me and Anthony talked last night, and agreed that we were gonna meet up @12, at this random ice cream shop on the beach.

"Any minute now, all our answers, will be answered. No more guessing." Destiny spoke above a whisper, if she wasn't sitting next to me I don't even think I would've been able to hear her.

"This shits so surreal, but I'm ready." Aaliyah added on. I swallowed back my response, as I heard a bell go off, indicating that someone had opened the door. I looked up and into the direction of the doors to see Anthony. I couldn't help but to notice how fine he was in person, he had his long curly hair up into a man bun, and worse a pair of cargo shorts with a wife beater.

I shook my thoughts out my head as I watched him look around the room. "Um, over here." I was surprised he heard me considering I damn near whispered it. He immediately smiled once he noticed me, quickly walking over into my direction.

"Wazzam," Anthony said while smiling widely before sliding in the seat across from us in our booth. I noticed he didn't have a thick New Orleans accent like August, which I'm kind of thankful for. I don't think I could handle all this fineness topped off with an accent that made me weak to my knees.

"Hey." All three of us said in sync.

After a moment of staring at the wall behind him, I finally looked up into his eyes. "So..," Anthony started. "I know you got a lot of questions about August, in pretty sure his hard headed ass ain't tell you about what him and niggas do for a living-", "niggas, as in Chris and Lucas?" Destiny asked while interrupting him. "Yes, I'm guessing you two beautiful ladies mess with them?" Anthony asked with a sly smirk on his face.

"Yes, they do, but back to what they do for a living.. what about it?" There was no time for small talk.

"I'm pretty sure he wanted to tell you himself when he was good and ready, but.. there in a gang. They had a bust at there last drop and got charged for handling an illegal substance, they only had weed on them, thankfully, so they only got a few months, they get out next week."

I just stared at him blankly, August? In a gang? He never mentioned any of this when we talked. I'm not disowning him, and I'm not pissed at him for putting himself in a dangerous position for being in a gang, I'm more disappointed in him for feeling as if he couldn't trust me with that information. Would I have tried to talk him out of it? Hell yeah, but that doesn't give him an excuse for keeping something so big a secrete.

"Yall good?" Anthony asked after none of us answered him.

"Y-yeah, just processing everything. I would've never guessed he was in a gang, but I'm just thankful he didn't get shot or anything.." I began to say. I glanced over at Destiny and Li to see the same facial expression I had.

"Don't worry ma, they only sell weed. They wouldn't dare take it any further, weed gets you a few months but getting caught with heavier shit? They'd never take that chance." Anthony said. And I guess, that eased my thoughts, but I was still worried.

"Thank you for telling us." I then leaned over the table and gave him a quick hug.

"It's no problem, now while we're here, let me put y'all on to my favorite flavor ice cream." I wasn't really in the mood to do anything fun, but didn't wanna be rude. "Sure." I plastered a fake smile across my face and walked over to the counter with him, Destiny and Li by my side.

Hey, sorry for updating so late😭, I'll try my best to update at least two chapters a week.


Where Trinity👀?

Check out my new story, "the neighbor"💓


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