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"What doesn't concern me?" I decided to repeat myself since they wanted to act is if they couldn't hear me.

"Um, uh- are you sure you wanna know? It's gonna blow the surprise." I could already tell she was lying by the way she was stuttering.

"What surprise? What the fuck are you talking about, Trinity?" I was starting to think Li was right about her. "I'm not leaving until you tell me so just say it."

"Wellllllll, we were planning a surprise party for you on the beach, to loosen you up a little bit.. what do you think?"

I think it's bullshit.

"Really, Trinity? You think a party would be good for me during a time like this? I've been nothing but sad since I got here." I couldn't believe her logic right now.

"Exactly, its not good to be this sad all the time, plus we were planning on having it next week so the guys can join, it can also be a welcome back from jail party? If that's a thing." I heard her let out a awkward chuckle while wrapping her arms across her chest.

"I don't remember telling you the guys were in jail.. wait a second.. did you already know what happened to them when I got here?"

"No, I swear I didn't. You told me about it remember? Or was it destiny? All I know is that one of you told me, pretty sure it was destiny though."

I'll definitely be asking Destiny about this.

"Oh, well,I don't really like surprises anyway so it's good I found out now." I attempted to hold my ground but it was clear I had lost this battle.

"Well now that you know, is it cool if I ask you ideas for decorations and what food to buy? Oou, and you can invite Anthony's brother if you'd like. We can start going over now if that's cool?" Maybe I'm overreacting, have I really become so corrupt in trust I'm doubting my own cousin for her faith towards our relationship? Oh my god.

"Sure, but now's not good timing, but I'll definitely be glad to help you. Maybe later on tonight?" Trinity agreed with the timing, as I found my self walking out her room and down the stairs to the kitchen to get a quick snack.

I opened up her freezer and immediately smiled to myself at the little tubs of Ben and jerry's ice cream. I pulled out a brownie fudge and grabbed a spoon out of the drawer. I turned out the doorway and decided on checking up on Li and destiny.

"I've arrived, bitches!!" I said while twerking and sticking out my tongue as soon as I entered their room.

"I can't with you," Destiny said while shaking her head and laughing.

"Yeaaah, whatever," I laughed. "So what you bitches been up to?" I questioned while plopping my body onto their bed. For some reason it was like my emotions did a full 360, I was actually excited for this party. I mean of course I'm still pissed, but I get to see my baby after months of not being with him.

"Someone's feeling good," Li said while squinting her eyes as if she didn't believe I was actually happy for once.

"I knoww, I think it has to do with this party going down next week. I'm actually pumped to plan it, I think I'm gonna invite Anthony." I said while somewhat whispering the last part.

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