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Anthony: about august.. we need to talk, in person.

It was like time itself stopped.

I blinked repeatedly as I felt my throat go dry. I moved my hands shakily as I began to type my response.

Me: um.. okay. I was planning to come with my friends in a day anyways, were could we meet up at?

After a minute flew by with no reply, I figured I ought to tell Li and destiny the news.

I pulled out my phone, instantly calling Li first.

Li: trae? I'm shook.

She gasped dramatically as I rolled my eyes.

Li: are my eyes betraying me or did you call me first? MY EYES!

I let out a low sigh while rolling my eyes again, as if she could really see me.

Me: aki ki, this is serious, Li.

The line instantly got quiet, but didn't last long.

Li: what's wrong?

Me: wait, let me get destiny on the line so I don't have to repeat myself.

I quickly added Destiny to the call, no later than 2 rings, she picked up.

Destiny: was poppin.

Me: okay so now that you all out here.. I have something to tell you.

"Wassup?" Destiny and Li said in sync.

Me: so y'all know how August, Lucas, and Chris have like.. gone missing? Well I went lurking to find some answers and stumbled up August's Facebook-

Li: stumbled upon?

I could hear the smirk in her voice.

Me: not the point Li, anyways, he has a brother. I messaged him and he told me if I wanted to know the answers to my questions, basically I had to meet up with him in person, and I told him about our lil trip tomorrow.

Both lines were silent.

Li: were are we meeting him up at?


I literally jumped to my laptop at the sound of a new message.

Me: that's him now, with your answer.

I quickly hit onto his little bubble instantly reading his message.

Anthony: you can swing by my place, I'll shoot ya the address when you get here, we're you plan on staying at?

Me: my aunts house, but um okay, thanks for this.

I quickly told Destiny and Li everything he said, ending the call moments later.


The next day.

I winded up telling my mom that I was going to visit my aunt, Brianna.

She got suspicious, and warned me that she would find out if I snuck off to stay with August.

I never told my mom he disappeared only because, she's over dramatic. I knew she would assume the worst and try to force me to break things off with him. I always got uncomfortable when she brought him up but managed to fake a smile and act as if we were still on speaking terms, thankfully, she fell for it.

"You three have fun down there! No babies please I'm too young to be called grandma!" My mom yelled while pulling me into a hug.

I slightly rolled my eyes as I let out a low chuckle.

"I'm not having sex ma." I mumbled.

Which is true, Im a virgin yet my mom still doesn't believe me. At least she doesn't act like she does.

"Mhm, I know, but if anything does happen please use protection." She gestured with a forced smile.

"Mkay, we gotta get going now!" I grabbed my suitcase, and quickly pushed destiny and Li out the door with me, done with my ma's embarrassment.


The next day.

I smiled at the scent of my aunts cooking once we entered her front door.

"Is that my niece?" My aunt said while pulling me in for a tight hug.

I smiled in her arms as I held onto her a bit tighter.

"You never come to see me anymore, you've grown into a beautiful young lady I see." My aunt said while giving me a slight twirl.

"My bad, you know how ma gets."

It's not that my mom and her sister weren't on speaking terms they just.. didn't get a long.

I could tell my aunt bit back the rude comment she had to say on my mom by shaking her head, "well I'm glad your here now, hey Aaliyah, Destiny, come give me a hug." My aunt cooed while pulling them in.

"Is that food I smell?"

Li smirked while staring past her.

She lightly chuckled as she shooker her head, "yes child, go wash up, trae will show you to your room." My aunt added on.

"Oh, trinity's in her room by the way, trae. She misses you!" My aunt added on.

I instantly smiled as I nearly ran up the stairs and towards her room, I hadn't seen trin in a grip.

Almost tripping on air, I finally reached her room. "TRINNNN BITCHHH!!" I yelled while pulling her into a big hug. "IS THAT MY BITCH TRAE LOOKING BADDER THAN EVER?" Trin responded while holding onto me tighter.

Trinity was like the sister I never had, well, blood related at least.

My smile grew even wider as me, trin, destiny, and Li sat onto her bed, instantly catching up on everything that happened since we last seen each other.


Just a filler for now.

Didn't really like this chapter but, eh. It gets better in the next chapter I promise!


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