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Treah POV

The car ride home from the ice cream shop was silent. It wasn't an awkward silence though, it was more like us coping with everything we just found out. I pulled into the driveway of my aunts house and sighed. I glanced over at Li in the passenger seat to see her staring out the window as if she was deep in thought. "So.." I heard Destiny whisper from the backseat.

"Sooo, what now?" I decided to speak up.

"Let's talk about this inside," Li said while waking out the car, with us right behind her.

As soon as I opened the front door, the backstabber herself was sitting on the couch, her legs were wrapped around some nigga, and it looked as if they were making out.

"So you ditched me over a nigga?" I nearly yelled while crossing my arms.

"Shit!" Trinity yelled to her self as she hopped off of his lap. "She's not worth it." Destiny whispered into my ear while attempting to pull me away.

"No, I wanna know what this bitch has to say." Li said while removing destiny's hand.

"I can explain," Trinity began to say.

"And were waiting." Li spoke up, standing side by side with me.

I peeped Trinity roll her eyes but I wasn't gonna stop Li, I just wanted to know why this trick put dick before family- not like I needed her there, but I needed the moral support, and she said she would be there for me, so yeah, I'm pissed.

"First off, this is my boyfriend, Cortez, he wasn't the reason I 'bailed' out on you though. He just stopped by. But, ma asked me to go pick up some things for her at the store and by the time I came back you all had already left. I was gonna try and slide by but you never told me which shop y'all went to, and I figured I was already too late. I'm sorry, trae. Forgive me?"


I kind of felt bad for being rude to her now. I'd look dumb if I didn't forgive her, because it wasn't really her fault.

"I'm sorry for overreacting, it's just today ment a lot to me and then I saw you on his lap and thought you've been with him all morning and made assumptions. I forgive you trin trin." I leaned in to give her a big hug while letting out a sigh.

"Give me the recite." I heard Li whisper from behind me.

"I threw it away, didn't realize I'd have to validate my actions, but there's food in the fridge that wasn't there yesterday so have at it." Trinity said in a sarcastic tone while releasing our hug.

"It's cool, Li. Chill." I reassured her that it was all good, and she slightly changed her posture and became more relaxed.

"Sorry for all that, Cortez was it? I'm Traeh." I decided to speak up and give him a handshake.

"Yeah, its Cortez," I peeped him stare me down while licking his lips. "I like your name, it suits you." Cortez added on.

"Uh, thanks," I let out a quick nervous laugh. "Well, I gotta go, destiny, Li? Let's finish our convo upstairs."

"Yeah, let's do that." Destiny responded.

"I'll be up there in like 10 minutes, okay?" Trinity added ok as I headed up. "Ok!" I yelled back as I walked up the stairs.


"Don't get me wrong, I'm pissed that they kept the fact that they're were in a gang away from us, but it's kind of sexy in a way- subtract the fact that it's dangerous. I find hood niggas so fine." Destiny admitted while bitting down onto her bottom lip.

I slightly rolled my eyes while letting a smile creep across my face.

"Hood niggas." We all said in sync while grinning.

"I see were your coming from, but it's gonna take me some time to get over this, we're close to being in a relationship for almost a year now and he still can't trust me? I'm not gonna show him I'm okay with that, no matter how badly I just wanna forgive him and kiss make up, it's not going down like that." I stated in all seriousness.

"I get that, but I can't stay mad at Chris, I'll show him I'm mad for about a day or so before I go crawling back to daddy." Li admitted while shrugging.

"They're coming back next week, should we act as if we don't know and see if they tell us? Or just go at it?" Destiny asked.

"I can't keep the fact that I know August put his life in danger a secrete, I'm telling him and we're gonna take it from there." I responded.

"I feel the same way," Destiny added on. "Me three." Li added on causing me to smile.

"Good, but I'll admit, a weight has been lifted off my chest. Im just thankful he's alive." I said while smiling widely.

"Ain't that right!" Destiny said, "amen." Li added on. Then we kinda just sat there in silent for a few minutes.

"So.." Li spoke up all of a sudden.

"Wassup?" I asked while giving her my full attention.

"So, were just gonna act like that butch didn't make up that bad ass I went to the store excuse? True or not she could've told her mom she was going with you and that she could've got it later. Sorry, I don't trust her. I'm no fool. " Li said nonchalantly, causing me to roll my eyes.

Here she's goes, again.

"Li, chill out on the whole conspiracy theory against trin. She's my cousin for gods sake, she wouldn't do me dirty like that. I'll admit she should've told her mom no but I'm not trippin, so can you just let it go? Pleaseeee?" I pleaded as I watched Li let out a long dramatic sigh.

"Fine. For now." Li said causing me to smile while pulling her in for a big hug.

"Your lucky I love you." Li said while causing me to laugh.

I decided on checking up on Trinity since she never came up earlier like she said she was.

As soon as I got within a couple of inches from her bedroom door, I heard her having a somewhat heating conversation with who I assume is her boyfriend. Being the snoop I am, I decided to investigate.

"Does she know?" I'm pretty sure Cortez said that.

Who's she?

"The past is the past, it's none of traeh's concern." I heard Trinity respond.

Traeh's concern? Who the fuck..

She was about to hear my mouth.

"What doesn't concern me?" I asked while barging in on them.

"Shit." Trinity and Cortez said in sync.

Extremely short chapter🤦🏾‍♀️😭

But, I'll be uploading chapters faster to make up for it.💓

Check out my other story, "the neighbor" !!!


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